April 2020 Edition
2019-2020 Governor Allen Yergovich

Greetings Kiwanis Family,

I hope that you are all well. I trust that you all are staying safe, taking care of yourselves, and taking care of your families.

At these critical times, we all need to be grateful for all that we have and maintain a positive attitude.

They will announce a decision whether to proceed with International Convention soon after the International Board Meeting on April 22.

Our Florida District Convention is ON as planned! I, for one, am anticipating this convention more than any other. August is a long way off, and at this time, there is no reason to think that it might not happen. I think it’ll be exactly what we all need!

Here are a few suggestions for your isolation time:

  • Eat properly and get some exercise.
  • Keep in touch with our Kiwanis family, have virtual meetings, continue email newsletters, contact those we haven’t heard from. Ask new people to attend your virtual meetings, many who may not have been able to attend before, may now. Get interesting guest speakers, distance is no longer an obstacle. Make sure you have your club’s annual meeting with elections of officers and directors by May 15 and report the results right away.
  • Assist those in need. If you are running an errand, check with your isolating Kiwanians and do a doorstep delivery. If you are an isolating Kiwanian, don’t be afraid to ask for what you need.
  • Remember the rest of our family: CKI, Key, Builders, K-kids, Aktion. Are they still meeting? Communicating? Volunteering? What can we do to help?
  • Share your virtual meeting information widely. This makes interclubbing easier than ever!!
  • Remember those small businesses that have been there when we’ve needed sponsors. Most clubs are not spending lots of money, money they would have spent meeting and having service projects. lets spend that money to buy food from past sponsors and deliver to first responders, hospitals, nursing homes, families in need, etc. Let’s also not forget about Kiwanians and their families who may be in crisis due to a lost job.
  • Help all the great organizations that we continually work with. The needs have changed, but the need is as great as ever.
  • Make and distribute masks. The more homemade masks everyone has, the more PPE will be available for the professionals. The Florida Kiwanis Foundation has great masks, free with a donation, contact your trustee.
  • Read to kids virtually. Make a video of reading a children’s book and post it, remember to mention and add a link to Kiwanis!
  • Tutor and mentor students virtually. 
  • Use this time to work on the plans for future events, membership drives, etc.
  • Now is a great time to work on Kiwanis visibility and Social Media. Update your club website and social media pages using the Kiwanis brand book. Create a new post to make sure your followers know that your club is still active in the community.

I am optimistic that we will thrive again soon. #GetVirtuallyQuacking!

Allen Yergovich
Governor - Florida District of Kiwanis International 
#KidsNeedKiwanis #FLKiwanis #GetQuacking
Kiwanis News
The Kiwanis District of Florida is honored to have a longstanding partnership with the  Florida Kiwanis Foundation . As partners, we are ecstatic to continue supporting their Friends of the Foundation program. With an annual gift of $120, you can aid the Foundation and their many programs.  All Friends of the Foundation members  receive a pin and are eligible for exclusive giveaways and special events. With an upcoming chance drawing on May 1st, you do not want to miss out!
For those of you not familiar with the Florida Kiwanis Foundation (FKF), it is a Florida based non-profit organization focused on making a difference in childrens' lives through Kiwanis based activities. This support includes matching grants, mini- grants, emergency grants, and scholarship opportunities to Kiwanis Clubs and SLPs. The Kiwanis District of Florida is fortunate to have such an active Kiwanis Foundation that is continually increasing its impact each year to our clubs and overall Kiwanis community. 
We have renewed our membership and now we come to YOU asking for your support. Will you join as a  Friends of the Foundation  annual member today?
If you're feeling guilty about allowing extra screen time, don't!
These sites keep the entertainment and education rolling.
On April 4, 2020 at 10:00 a.m, a special meeting was called consisting of the 2019-2020 District Board of Trustees and the 2020-2021 incoming Lt. Governors. The purpose of the meeting was to elect the Executive Officers of the Florida District and to consider endorsements for International Office. 

We are excited to announce the results:

2020-2021 District Governor Joey Chen
2020-2021 District Secretary Angela Nguyen
2020-2021 District Treasurer Murtaza Hussain

The following people were endorsed for International Office:

Mia Ginzberg for International Trustee
Salma Eldeeb for International Trustee
Laura Sandoval for International President
Although it may not be immediately apparent, now is a great time for a membership drive. Many people who had work or time conflicts, can now more easily attend virtual meetings. Travel distance/time is not currently an issue.  

Also, the nation is in a community service frame of mind more than usual. Take advantage of that need to do something for the betterment of the society.
Of course, many people are in a worse place at this time, but many are more available.

As always, all you need to do is ASK!

Tommy Mills, District Membership Coordinator
Need to get your club together? Use ZOOM to meet through video conferencing. It works whether you're using a computer or a phone. The free version is available at  zoom.us  and allows a 40 minute meeting for up to 100 people. See these and other club resources at:
Upcoming Events
Registration is Open!
Get excited to see all of your Florida Kiwanis family
at this year's District Covention in Orlando.
Have fun at the Kiwanis International Convention 2020

June 17th through June 20th

Early registration still available! — $399

Florida Hotel is the Hyatt Regency Downtown Indianapolis, IN

Contact your “On to International Convention” District Chair Ray Leitzman

Cell: (386) 336-0967
Home: (941) 479-7318

P.S. There is a division award for the “Most attendees to ICON”!

For content submission, contact
Angie Bailey, 2019-2020 Communications Chair
via email at [email protected]

Submissions are due by the 10th of the month.