October18, 2022 - ISSUE 2, Quarter 3



Quote of the Month:

"I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things I cannot accept." - Angela Davis


Nov. 3, 2022 - Vegan Support Group via Zoom

Nov. 5, 2022 - Tampa Bay Veg Fest! 

Dec. 1, 2022 - Vegan Support Group via Zoom

Go to our MEETUP page for more details!

FVA In Action!

See what FVA has been up to this quarter


We’ve been hearing a lot of good news related to banning dog and rabbit sales, the Big Cat Public Safety Act, greyhounds, dolphins, monkeys and more! 

Check out all the good news here!

Sad news, 

One of my favorite vegan dietitians, Susan Levin, MS RDN CSSD, passed away recently. She worked with PCRM for many years as Director of Nutrition Education. She worked on many projects that I supported and contributed some time to. She was an amazing woman and one of the best vegan dietitians I've had the privilege to know. We lost her too soon......

from Myriam Parham

100+ Primates, and Other Animals, With a Brighter Future Ahead of Them, at Suncoast Primate Sanctuary

By Leah Tiberini

It’s a hot summer morning during August of 2022, the sound of my car engine cuts as I pull the key from the ignition. As I arrive, I am the first one at the meeting spot that was agreed on by myself and several other remarkable animal advocates. Without delay, it wasn’t long before everyone began to show up. We moved quickly, loading up a cart full of fresh produce, and heading in the direction of our destination. Almost like this had been rehearsed — because it had been. This was the fourth or fifth time some of us had visited this particular location; Suncoast Primate Sanctuary in Palm Harbor, Florida. Oddly enough, as we gathered towards the entrance, something was acutely different about this visit.  Something we did not predict would happen so quickly when we started working on this project back in May of 2022, 

 Continue reading here->






SATURDAY, NOV. 5, 2022

11 AM-5 PM



We are excited to bring back Tampa Bay Veg Fest in 2022! Of course, we cannot do this event without all our awesome volunteers! Hopefully we will see many of you again this year! As usual, there will be Education/Speakers; Cooking Demos, a Family Fun Zone; a VIP Fundraiser; Live Music; the best VEGAN FOOD, FREE vegan food samples, and MUCH, MUCH MORE!

Get all the details at:  



Ellen Jaffe Jones’ first book, Eat Vegan on $4 a Day, is becoming timelier than ever with high gas prices and overall inflation hitting everyone these days. Ellen offered to share one of her basic and favorite recipes from that book with readers this month. She likes this recipe because it has a lot of fiber and protein, besides a hearty taste. Enjoy!

Check out the recipe here: 

Beans and Greens Stir Fry

Knowledge Corner

“Justice for Rosie”

   By Traci Lipton


I was working a breakfast/lunch shift and I heard my notifications on my phone going off. As soon as I left work, I checked my phone. I had a few people tag me on a video that had not yet went viral that showed a woman filming an adorable wide-eyed slightly fearful looking raccoon stuck in a dumpster. She was rather giddy as she was describing the female as "he," saying he had been running after people and probably had rabies. I knew this could not be true because, well, she was stuck in a dumpster, and raccoons do not have the capabilities of going in and out. The video then switches to another video showing the raccoon’s burnt and charred corpse Continue->

Save Florida Sharks 

  By Faith Makenzie, Jr in High School

Toying with the balance of predators on Planet Earth has historically ended in ecological catastrophe. Recent events off the east coast of Florida have drawn attention to the formerly neglected war occurring under the waves between sharks and mankind. A bull shark fishing tournament organized by Jason Rafael Barquin, also known as “Jason WarBird” on Facebook, was hosted on July 9th, 2022 outside of Jupiter Florida. After further investigation, many claims and amends vowed were disproven shortly after. Continue->

My Neighbors are Ducky

 by Maria Bott


The townhouse complex where I live is a diverse community. We have many residents from Central and South America, and we call them Muscovy ducks. From my upstairs window I can see these large, colorful birds waddling around the pond at the back of the property. 

Muscovy ducks don’t quack. They communicate by softly hissing. Not only are these ducks quiet neighbors, but they also help out by eating flies, ticks, spiders, mosquitoes, and even amphibians. Continue->

NOTICE: Invasive African Snail’s with Rat Lungworm Disease Found in Pasco County

From the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS), the huge invasive African snail is back. The moral of this sad story is do not support pet stores of any kind, especially exotic pet trade operations. Sadly, dogs are being tasked with cleaning up the mess that humans created. —Ellen Jaffe Jones READ MORE

HELP WANTED: MEOW Now seeking volunteers to trap feral cats in Pinellas County! Click HERE to learn more 

Florida Voices for Animals 

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