Dear Early Care and Education Partners:
The Florida Department of Education has contracted with Renaissance Learning, Inc. to implement the Coordinated Screening and Progress Monitoring Program known as Florida’s Assessment of Student Thinking (FAST) using Star Early Literacy.
Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) programs (public and private) will be required to implement FAST using Star Early Literacy beginning in the 2022-2023 VPK Program Year.
Star Early Literacy will replace all components related to the Florida VPK Assessment and the Bright Beginnings Online Reporting System.
The Florida Department of Education is working with Renaissance Learning to provide multiple training sessions for VPK programs throughout the 2022 summer. All assessors will be required to complete training before administering the FAST using Star Early Literacy.
VPK Program Directors to register for training click here.
VPK Program Instructors to register for training click here.
Additional information coming soon!