A Bi-Monthly News Roundup from the Kentucky Department of Agriculture
Vol. 15 | No. 13
Friday, July 8, 2022
Flower gardener evolves
into farmer-florist at Scott County farm
Carly Reed of In Bloom Flower Farm near Georgetown gathers a bucket full of cuttings. Flowers purchased for weddings make up most of the farm’s sales. “May is when we do most of our business, which is the same month as Mother’s Day,” she said. 
KDA celebrates
Ky. Grown Cut Flower Month

“Flowers grown in Kentucky offer just a piece of what makes Kentucky beautiful,” Ag Commissioner Dr. Ryan Quarles said.
Kentucky Angus bull, steer win
junior grand championships

Blane Smith of Russell Springs, far right, poses with his grand champion bull at the Angus Breeders' Futurity Junior Show.
KDA gets grant to improve emergency food system

KDA will utilize this grant to support a client-based intake system at food pantries within the God’s Pantry service area.
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Kentucky farm fact

With farm conditions suited for high-quality commercial production, Kentucky is home to more than 125 commercial cut flower operations, a 20 percent increase in just the last year, with a market value of almost $700,000 annually.
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