In 2021, you captured a total of 149 onsets of open flowers for all species - 102 for saguaro, 34 for Agave palmeri, 7 for Agave deserti, 2 for Agave americana, 2 for Agave parryi, and 1 for organ pipe cactus.
The two most commonly observed species, saguaro and Agave palmeri, provide nectar for bats at different times of the year. Now that we have multiple years of data, we can start to look at timing of nectar availability in these species.
In the past four years, saguaro flowers opened in early April, peaked in May, and ended in mid-July. In 2021, the average onset date for open flowers in saguaro was May 18th, and the average duration of open flowers was 19 days. The average date on which saguaros had at least 75% of flowers open was May 27th.
During these years observers also recorded additional flowering through November. This year was unique in that observers reported a small proportion of open flowers in the first four months of the year; this was not reported in the prior three years.