We are a big vegetable garden with each of us bringing unique flavors to the harvest.
We plant – by preparing our garden with new ideas, exciting resources, and maybe new seed. We find our places, hold on by our roots of Legacy and begin to open to new possibilities.
We feed – by supporting and encouraging each plant in our garden towards new growth. Each meeting, project and event strengthens our roots and makes us stronger. Make plans to attend this summer's Mission u, learn about Abide, and explore the Reading Program.
We weed – by pulling out the “weeds” of frustration, doubt, and “same old thing” and leave room for new sprouts of possibility. If you ever need to gather and discuss your group’s needs, contact a District or Conference officer to talk.
We transplant – maybe it’s time for a new spot in the garden. Think about taking a leadership role. Sometimes a new spot will allow for better growth and thriving. Contact anyone on your Conference or District Leadership team, or Committee on Nominations.
We harvest – by making plans to gather this Fall at our Annual Meetings and at the inauguration of our new Conference on November 9th to celebrate the bounty of UWFaith!
Sow your seed in the morning, and at evening let your hands not be idle, for you do not know which will succeed, whether this or that, or whether both will do equally well. -- Ecclesiastes 11:6
By Peggy Land, member of 1st Denton UWFaith and the Membership, Nurture & Outreach officer in the North Central District. May the tomatoes and blackberries in your garden thrive this summer, Peggy!