Hi Rob,
Our job is to shine a spotlight on one of the most critically endangered ocean creatures in our waters, build a community dedicated to fighting for it, and ultimately, establish a brand new national marine sanctuary so it can live safely and protected for years to come.
We’ve got a long road ahead, but you and I will be fluking and flippering along together every step of the way!
If you can help support this work with a contribution today, please do so!
We’ve got big, bold plans, but we’re building on what’s been done before. From the amazing accomplishments of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary that sits next to our proposed site to the advancements by the Biden administration, one of the most conservation-minded presidents we’ve ever had, we’re pushing for progress for the long haul.
To keep this ship sailing, I hope you’ll consider tossing in a few bucks.
Thank you for taking the time to learn about right whales and advocating for their protection!
Steady on,