Hello, I hope you are all surviving well in lock down. Nothing has change here we are always in isolation in Athol . Just letting you all know the online shop is still open and everything is wiped down and cleaned hourly and all orders are packed in a sterile environment, just to make sure you know I do care about you all.
Though your pretty safe with anything from this isolated wee shop in the middle of nowhere, with no staff only myself and Trigger and no contact to others. So get shopping and support this wee shop :). Please spread the word and post the news letter on your social media sites or send to your friends, it may make them smile. :) I appreciate all your help.
Trigger has been helping this morning we start most days early and I,m down stairs in the office at 5.30 most mornings and cant keep up with all my work i reckon I have 5 weeks of 7 days a week, catch up then I can start work on two old book projects (vol1 and vol -2 )with a settled mind. Trig's this morning is pretty proud of herself she caught two mice and played with them until they were lifeless and i certainly was not promoting catch and release.There seems to be plenty around the town at the moment.
This morning there was a NZ falcon hunting in my garden and caught a blackbird. Pretty cool to watch nature and be around it not sure the poor blackbird was impressed with the out coming though, a quick death!.
Last night there was small spindly mayfly spinners on my window from the Upper Mataura river that's just across from my house. Amazing that thee little mayfly nymphs survive the big floods.
My second last client before lock down caught a 6lb rainbow trout and after it was released, I noticed a few mins later something flashing in the water a big eel had grabbed it and had it by the tail , I some how managed to scoop up the eel and the trout escaped, trigger was very impressed but wary of the strange creature in the net , a funny looking trout she no doubt was thinking . :)
I,m so glad I live in NZ and in Athol in times like these and NZ has to be one of the best countries to be in at the moment. I,m so glad the NZ government has come up with a plan to help us with some money and now i can stall my mortgage payments for a while and have some money for food, to hopefully get through these tough times, until things turn around eventually. I do feel for all the third world countries that are about to be affected, fingers are crossed for you all. Goes to show there is no use telling yourself to do things later, next season,next year,next month in life you never know when your world will change. I,m a do it now kind of person, feet first think later ! Which honestly sometimes does not work out :) but its all fun. :)
I,m used to being on my own for long periods the introvert/extrovert I am, though for many it will be a strange experience, some will come out for the better others not so, so look out for your neighbors please. For example I just realized back in Scotland my Mum and Dad are in lock down and cant change there library books, so I ordered some books on line for them as a gift to keep them enjoying reading and books.
I've put this news letter out to try and keep you all entertained especially with all the goodies on offer and all the cool videos, for you to lay in bed at night and watch and stop you having sex! I hope you enjoy it it takes many hours to put together, Thank you all for also sending me comments and content. Very much appreciated.
Some of my fly fishing bum friends went to some islands before lockdown and had some great fun using a range of my saltwater flies, goes to show I don't just design and sell fresh water flies.
More book updates in the next news letter and hopefully a video explain what I definitely will need help with for this kick starter project. I promise not to disappoint you all. :)
Oh! check out the top quality caps I have now for sale , better quality than what all the big names offer, that's because I don't do it all, for money, though I do realize it bloody helps :) in times like these. Stay safe all of you.
Stu & Trigger