Hello , Hope your all having fun. :)
Its soon fathers day so why don't you treat your father to my book, a fly box full of Stu's Superior fly fly designs, cap or a gift voucher- they are all avalible here in this tiny little passionate fly shop at the end of the earth.
I set up a photo of me standing beside the new fire showing its height and how easy it is to burn your arse on its high lip. This is what happened at the start of the book, some people have said the stories in JUNGLE BLUES may not be true, believe me they are? Can't write fiction at all, that's why I get in trouble. :) Just wait till you read Chasing Tigers the follow up book! Your eyes will pop out :) at the fun, rawness and truth.
People have always said to me and many think my life is just one big dream. If only some people knew the truth! that it's not always what it seems. Who actually wants to read about the crap in life eh!.
Here's a fun shot of a recent hospital activity that I'd no choice in after borrowing a heap of dosh to finance it, it went ahead. All so that I'd hopefully walk properly and be pain free. Since I was paying for it, I made sure that I got to watch the op which was interesting and recommend if you're ever in that position- though hopefully not. Luckily I managed to pinch the bit they cut off - for Trigger, soup bone or more likely a knob for my trucks gear stick.
Dylan my carp fishing mate from Utha sent me some photos of his latest big carp he landed using some of my special carp flies- which you can get on the site, if you wish. The real reason he sent them i honestly thing is to make me jealous and you know what - its worked :)
Apparently through the UK and the USA tackle sales are going through the roof and shops cannot keep stock, strangely that is not the case here in NZ well for me and others I hear, so I,m thinking it maybe a little fib to create sales. Though I could easily be wrong and its due to seasons. The rest of the south islands fly fishing guides as well as myself are going to struggle this year though luckily none of us will die, many will leave the guiding industry never to return - that's going to be fact due to no work. So the waterways this year will be quite or maybe the opposite as many locals will launch themselves out there more than normal for a fish.
Before going to hospital I bought Trigger a big bone, It was so funny as at first she was actually scared of it, though eventually she got it down to a manageable size.
BOOK REVIEWS- Please write some reviews of JUNGLE BLUES on Amazon please- you don't need to have bought the book from there to write a review- reviews anywhere are awesome and a great help I appreciate them all. Thank you so much to those of you that have written a review - you rock:)
I am not much of a fly fisher, but after reading Jungle Blues, I was not only greatly entertained, but tempted to wade back into it." - Grant Dixon Managing editor, NZ Fishing News 19/08/2020
Paul Arden 4/08/2020
A great book! An exciting, romping read. Read it straight through in one sitting – to make sure there was nothing incriminating inside A fresh sense of fishing travel writing I reckon. I hope it’s really damned successful, Stu, I’m looking forward to reading the next one in the library!
Hi Stu
Just a note to say how much I enjoyed reading Jungle Blues! And to pass on my congratulations for getting it over the finish line – no small task! You left me full of appreciation for your efforts, well done!
It’s a great, easy read and captures those wonderful moments that true fishing tragics totally understand – the experiences, meeting people and the sheer wonder and beauty of the natural world. I often wonder whether other outdoor pursuits give the same degree of immersion and sense of joy that fishing does..
Take care you champion,Brian Lawrence - Australia 14/08/2020
Stu & Trigger