February 2023 | Vol. 32, No. 1
Two New Members Join Board
Daniel Coletti and Marie Wikoff participated in their first meeting as new board members in January. Coletti and Wikoff were appointed by Governor Steve Sisolak last year. Their terms run through October 2025.
Coletti, the board’s new residential designer, is the Owner of Sun West Custom Homes, LLC in Las Vegas. A residential designer since 2007, Coletti is also a licensed general contractor and real estate broker. He was chosen by the National Association of Home Builders to design and build the 2019, 2020 and 2024 New American Homes. Coletti earned an Associate Degree in Construction from Pasco Hernando State College.
Wikoff, owner of Reno-based Wikoff Design Studio, joins the board as its newest Registered Interior Designer. A registered interior designer since 2006, Wikoff earned her BFA in Interior Design from the Design Institute of San Diego. She holds many industry accreditations including, Evidence-Based Design Accreditation and Certification (EDAC), American Academy of Healthcare Interior Designers (CHID), USGBC LEED AP, and is an NCIDQ Certificate holder.
Board Addresses Review and Seal
The board issued a memorandum regarding review and seal, or "over stamping," at its January 2023 meeting. It states, in part:
“Architects, registered interior designers and residential designers may not ‘over stamp,’ or simply review and seal documents. Documents bearing the registrant’s stamp and signature, whether submitted to a building department or architectural review committee, must be prepared under the registrant’s responsible control.”
Continuing Education Audits
A percentage of registrants who renewed their licenses for 2023 will be randomly selected for audit of their continuing education units this month. The selected registrants will be notified by mail. The notice of audit will explain the audit process and will require a response by a specified date.
Submittals will be reviewed to determine if the continuing education requirements were met. Supporting documentation to prove completion of a course or activity is required. Registrants who fail to meet the requirements will be notified and offered an opportunity to resolve the violation. Registrants who choose not to resolve the violation will be subject to the board’s disciplinary process.
For more information on the continuing education requirement or audit process, please refer to the continuing education page of the board website.
New Registrants By Examination
Registered Interior Designers
Kelly Marie Jensen (Henderson) #291-ID
Brooke Perkins Cinalli (Overland Park, KS) #292-ID
Sara Diane Stuteville Brookshire (Las Vegas) #293-ID
Anjenette Pineda (Las Vegas) #294-ID
Donna B. Batilova (Las Vegas) #295-ID
Jeannine Marie Clark (Pasadena, CA) #296-ID
Residential Designer
Travis J. Phillips (Minden) #428-RD
Continuing Education Opportunities
EduCode Conference, Feb 27 - March 3
2023 EduCode is scheduled for February 27 to March 3 at the Orleans Hotel. Classes will be offered both in-person and virtually. EduCode offers training for building and fire inspectors, plan examiners, permit technicians, code enforcement officers, managers and supervisors, architects, engineers, building officials, students and all code professionals.
NCARB Rolls Out New IAQ CE Series
The COVID-19 pandemic challenged architects to reconsider numerous building system assumptions. With increased public interest in indoor air quality (IAQ) and the challenge of balancing an increased fresh air supply with energy-efficient building performance, NCARB perceived the need for continuing education in this area. NCARB engaged RDH Building Science to develop a new, six-part CE series, “Indoor Air Quality for Architects.”
Indoor Air Quality for Architects: Design Buildings to Promote Health and Wellness is the first in the series and is designed to educate architects on fundamental IAQ concepts, related health impacts, common contaminants, and how contaminants may be measured. More information is on the NCARB website.
New Work Experience Requirements Set for NCIDQ Exam Candidates
Effective February 1, 2024, all applicants for the NCIDQ Exam must meet a minimum number of hours in delineated task areas. The total number of hours required (3,520) remains unchanged. Additionally, all work experience must be obtained within 10 years prior to the date of application submittal.
Nevada registration requirements for registered interior designers include two hours of experience and passage of the NCIDQ Exam.
Disciplinary Actions
(October 20, 2022 through January 24, 2023)
Inquiries are routinely sent to both registrants and non-registrants for alleged violations of Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) and Nevada Administrative Codes (NAC).
There were three cases this period that were submitted for board consideration and approved. Additionally, 10 cases were closed because there was no basis for the allegations or the complaint did not fall within the board's jurisdiction.
The following cases were closed by means of settlement agreement; as part of the agreement respondents agreed to assure compliance with Chapter 623. Should the respondents be involved in a subsequent case and found to have again violated NRS, NAC or Rules of Conduct, the case may be used as an aggravating factor.
Every effort is made to ensure that the following information is correct. Before making any decision based on this information you should contact the NSBAIDRD.
Engaged in the Practice of Architecture, Registered Interior Design or Residential Design With Expired Certificate of Registration: NRS 623.185.3
Case 23-010N
The allegations against Matthew Ronhaar and FormGrey Studios were that they engaged in the practice of architecture while the respondent’s registration was lapsed. The matter was resolved through a settlement agreement incorporating an administrative penalty of $2,500 plus investigative costs of $1,500.
Unlicensed Practice of Architecture, Registered Interior Design or Residential Design: NRS 623.360.1(c)
Case 23-012N
The allegations against Gil Maynard and AllDraft were that they engaged in the practice of architecture without having a certificate of registration with the board. The matter was resolved through a settlement agreement incorporating an administrative penalty of $8,000 plus investigative costs of $1,700.
Case 23-016N
The allegations against Kevin Kerpan and Kerpan Planning and Design were that they engaged in the practice of architecture without having a certificate of registration with the board. The matter was resolved through a settlement agreement incorporating an administrative penalty of $2,500 plus investigative costs of $1,600.
Expired Certificates of Registration
Late Registration Policy
Registrants whose certificate of registration expired and have failed to renew their registration must pay a late renewal fee of $220, in addition to the $180 annual registration fee.
Registrants who do not renew their certificate of registration within one year of its expiration can renew it before the end of the third year by: submitting a letter of application for renewal; paying the required late registration fees ($220 late fee plus $180 for every year lapsed); paying the renewal fee for the current year ($180); and completing the required CEUs for each year the license was lapsed.
For further questions regarding late registration, please contact the board office at (702) 486-7300.
Nevada State Board of Architecture, Interior Design & Residential Design | nsbaidrd.org