Agency Pilots New Programs
The Agency has begun piloting two new programs to help older adults better prepare to make the most of the gift of longevity. 
  • Eat Smart Live Strong (ESLS) is designed to improve fruit and vegetable consumption and physical activity among older adults to delay and prevent the effects of diet‐related disease. Four weekly 1‐hour sessions build healthy habits through games, discussion, and simple standing/seated group exercises. Helpful handouts assist with meeting personal goals at home during the week.
  • Aging Mastery Program (AMP) aims to help millions of baby boomers and older adults take key steps to improve their well-being, add stability to their lives, and strengthen their ties to communities. Experts present 10 modules that focus on managing health, remaining economically secure, and contributing actively to society.
Stay tuned as ESLS and/or AMP may come to your community in 2020. For additional information, click on the links above or contact Ann Finnicum at (937) 341-3020,