Juan Gatica, Region 6
As I began working with alternative high schools, I have done extensive research on the brain. I have
researched educational neuroscience as it applies to students of poverty. My understanding of how the
brain functions has allowed me to be proactive in implementing systems that work for a specific sub-
population. In addition, my extensive knowledge of Carol Dweck and her text Mindset has provided me
a foundation of how certain students work.
In addition, my work with AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) provided me a platform for
presenting to audiences across the United States. The training I provided was specific, but it allowed me
to hone my presentation skills to wide and diverse audiences in both English and Spanish. Moreover, my
participation in the Oxford Round Table at Oxford, England was an experience that provided me that my ability to communicate to national and global leaders. In 2010, I was selected by Raise Your Hand Texas
to attend Harvard University for leadership training on redesigning public schools.
Finally, as an elected official fundraising becomes a vital part of your success. I understand the dynamics
of speaking to national leaders about educational hot topics. My ability to sit down with national leaders
and advocate for specific concerns is an area in which I am comfortable.