A Follow-up Message to Registrants
Dyslexia Knowledge Wednesday Webinar #3
Advancing Reading Through Science
You are receiving this email because you registered for the IDA-GA webinar held on 4/28/2021. If you would no longer like to receive emails from IDA-GA, please click unsubscribe at the bottom of this email.
For those of you who would like to rewatch the April 28 webinar, as well as those who were unable to attend the live event, you can now access the recording on our new YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOdg7-FLYxRy8lqHOXWfd2A.

Please share this link to the recording with others.

This link has been added to the 2021 Dyslexia Knowledge Series webpage, as well as to IDA-GA's Topics of Interest Library.
Note: Around the 1:00 mark, we had audio problems. Fast forward to 1:07.
Certificates of Attendance will be sent out the week of May 2 to those attendees who have submitted the COA form mentioned at the end of the webinar during Dr. Day's closing remarks. Don't forget to check JUNK mailboxes! Email info@idaga.org with questions or to check on the status of your COA.
FCRR's Resource Database Warehouse
The Florida Center for Reading Research has a catalog of hundreds of resources for educators, parents, and researchers. It is FREE for EVERYONE.
Teaching English Language Learners
Attendees had questions about the reading research and resources for teachers working with English Language Learners. Dr. Patton-Terry referred attendees to Dr. Susan Vaughn and the research being conducted at the Meadows Center at the University of Texas at Austin. Dr. Vaughn is the Executive Director of the Meadows Center.

with a separate document citing the sources for the supporting evidence.
The CEEDAR Center and High Level Practices
In the 4/28 webinar, Dr. Patto Terry mentions CEEDAR and High Leverage Practices. CEEDAR stands for “Collaboration for Effective Educator Development, Accountability, and Reform.” CEEDAR's mission is to support students with disabilities in achieving college- and career-ready standards by building the capacity of state personnel preparation systems to prepare teachers and leaders to implement evidence-based practices within multi-tiered systems of support.

CEEDAR has created the Georgia High-Leverage Practices Webinar Series to help participants understand the components of High-Leverage Practices and consider ways to effectively and sustainably implement those practices in their learning environments. The information and resources are applicable to P-12 teachers, Administrators, Academic/Instructional Coaches, and Educator Preparation Program Providers.

Thank You
Thank you to our schools and educational organizations for their support. It is with the continued support of our sponsors that we are able to offer not only scholarship and grant opportunities but also events like this that are free and open to all those interested in learning more about dyslexia and effective interventions.

Our next scholarship application deadline is JUNE 1. Spread the word!
It is IDA’s policy not to recommend or endorse any specific program, product, institution, company, or instructional material, noting that there are a number of these that present the critical components of instruction defined by IDA’s Knowledge and Practice Standards for Teachers of Reading.