Mary Magdalene Church is an inclusive church in the
Catholic tradition where people from all faiths and backgrounds are welcome to the Lord's Table. We strive to live the values that
Jesus taught, to honor and respect each individual,
and to share the joy of God's unconditional love
in our community and beyond.
Mary Magdalene Church Bulletin   
Sunday, November 8, 2020
Photo by Lili Popper on Unsplash

“There were many dark moments when my faith in humanity was sorely tested, but I would not and could not give myself up to despair. That way lays defeat and death.”
~Nelson Mandela in "Long Walk to Freedom"
SUNDAY MORNING MASS will be virtual only.
Please join us on Facebook Live or YouTube!

If you haven't done so already, please consider subscribing to MMC's YouTube Channel. This is no fee involved, and you're notified when we are live. Click this link to get connected: Our Channel on YouTube

Our musicians this morning are Kathy English, Bob Pizzutiello, and Randy Jones. The song sheet is here.


~ A Message from Lori ~


Four years ago, my wife Rebecca spent 40 days walking the Camino de Santiago - The Way of St. James - which is a 500 mile pilgrimage in Southern France and Northern Spain. Each day, Rebecca walked without knowing where she would find food, where she would stop for the evening, and where she would find a shower and a bed. Each day, she trusted, and each day, she had all that she needed. The Way, as pilgrims call it, is only possible for average people because all along the route, people are willing to play host to pilgrims and to offer them welcome without any pre-planning and at a cost that is next to nothing. This hospitality teaches those who walk almost as much as the walking itself and sometimes even more. To rely on others to be open to us and to trust that they will not harm us when we are vulnerable is a tremendous emotional feat. And so is the hospitality extended by those who live along the pilgrims' route. The pilgrims and the hosts work hard to trust each other, and that is what keeps the Way open.

This week, it feels to me that we are on a journey - a pilgrimage even - as we work to move from division to healing in this country. While we know who the next president will be, there is not a clear picture of how we will come to be a united set of states again. We are still on the way. And I take great comfort in knowing that for all the work ahead, we are not alone! We have each other here at Mary Magdalene, and we have our faith and our God.

Jesus tells us: "I am the Way." This claim is not a boast, but an invitation. We are invited to follow Christ as we do the difficult work of offering hospitality to those we don't see eye to eye with - in our families, in our communities and beyond. We are invited to follow Christ as we take others up on their offers for understanding and as we have the hard conversations that await us. The Way of Jesus is not the way of the world, so we won't necessarily recognize our successes in the usual ways. We probably won't get accolades for our efforts, and we may not change minds or hearts as often as we would like. But offering hospitality by listening well, loving well, and taking risks can mean that we get to help prepare the Way for the kingdom of God. Our faith in humanity may be tested, as Nelson Mandela admits, but following Jesus on this journey is the way to the Truth and the Light.

With love,


Mary Magdalene Community Events

Stewardship Campaign
Our yearly stewardship campaign kicked off last Sunday! This year, we are asking that you update your information when your receive the link in your email so that we can be certain we have the most up-to-date information going into our new database system. Thank you for taking a few moments to fill in all the details for your family! We appreciate the time and the effort.

Of course, the campaign is also the foundation of our planning for the year to come, and your gifts make possible the ministries we serve at Mary Magdalene. We deeply appreciate the generosity of your offering your time, your talents, and your treasure.

If you were part of the kick-off last Sunday, you know that a number of our community members made videos about their experiences at Mary Magdalene. This week, we hear from Jim and Cassie Kerg!
Cup of Change
Our Anti-Racism work continues! We are currently taking part in the United Way's 21-Day Racial Equity Challenge, and it is not too late to join us! You can find more information and the sign up here, and we will meet by Zoom on November 19 at 7 pm to discuss our experiences. You will also notice some new resources in the "Getting Informed" area below, and our Moodle platform is updated a couple of times a month with podcasts, documentaries and more. Reach out if you would like to be added to our Moodle user list! [email protected]

Open Door Mission - Cold Weather Gear Drive
Until December 23, Dory Deisenroth is collecting coats, hats, gloves, scarves and earmuffs for the Open Door Mission. Bring gently used or new items to church, and leave them in the marked bin outside the sanctuary. Last year we collected over 100 coats!

East Rochester Resource Center
You can always bring your donation of non-perishable food, paper products, cleaning supplies and toiletries to church at any time. The need is great.

Open Sanctuary Hours
If you are in need of a place for reflection and prayer, our sanctuary is now open a few times each week. Join us! As a general rule, the Sanctuary will be open on Wednesdays from 12:00-4:00 pm and on Fridays from 12:00-4:00 pm. One of us will be in the building during these open hours, and we are happy to connect with you if you would like to speak with us. If our office doors are open, we are available! You will also find Eucharist available at the front of the church. For the sake of safety and comfort, we ask that you use the hand sanitizer provided, that you receive communion at your seat, and that you wear a mask at all times in the church.

A message from Brother Peter - Advent Retreat
Brother Peter Veitch, OSB and youth minister and seminarian Lauren Urzetta will be leading an Advent retreat on zoom, Sundays at 5:30-6:30 EDT beginning 11/29. We will be reflecting on Anselm Grün, OSB’s
 ‘A Time of Fulfillment’ and ‘Your Light Gives Us Hope’ which can be purchased on Amazon. Please join us, ALL are welcome!

Bulletin Announcements
Do you have an announcement you would like to see included in our bulletin? Just email Lori by Thursday at 5 pm to have your group's message or activity added to our Sunday bulletin. [email protected]


DEFUND Deconstructed
Wondering what it means when we say or hear "Defund the police"? This amazing powerpoint put together by Rev. Myra Brown helps explain the issues around defunding and outlines the ways that re-funding is the real work at hand. This blueprint for community policing is worth your time. It is also available in our Moodle site for Cup of Change.

RARAC & Impact Interactive Anti-Racism Workshop
Uncomfortable Conversations: Confronting Privilege, Bias, & Racism- Designed to help white people become better allies and accomplices, and develop effective tactics to face racism head on, this innovative, virtual workshop presents realistic scenes that illustrate the challenges of speaking up for racial justice at home and at work. The event will be hosted via Zoom on Sunday, November 8 from 11 a.m. to 2:15 p.m. Tickets for the event are limited to the first 100 registrants and can be purchased through Eventbrite for $45 plus online processing fees. To reserve your spot, sign-up at:

Understanding Black Experiences -
The Rochester Public Library has put together a great online resource page.
Thank you again for your generosity! If you make a donation today
and would like that donation to go towards our virtual presence,
please send an email to our treasurer: [email protected]
Opportunities to
Come into Church for
Prayer or Reflection:

12:00 pm - 4:00 pm

12:00 pm - 4:00 pm

The front door will be unlocked.
Please use sanitizer provided &
wear a mask at all times.
Opportunities to Connect:

Sunday 11:00 am

8:00 am

7:00 pm

(Check our Facebook page for the speaker every week)

For those of you who would like to understand a bit more
about our Communal Blessing we participate in during our
live streamed liturgy, you'll find a document explaining the blessing
on our website. It's entitled We are a Eucharistic People.
Do you have someone you
want us to pray for?

To add someone to the prayer chain, contact:
Lori Vail [email protected]
Or Joann Corso at 585-223-5682

If you'd like to connect with Bishop Denise directly:
Or 585-329-0895

If you'd like to join our team of "prayers"
and be notified where there are prayer needs,
please send an email to Lori Vail:

Bishop Denise Donato
Email: [email protected] 
Phone: 585-329-0895

Mimi Youngman
Phone: 585-797-4707

Lori Vail
Phone: 585-353-5954