We know ... it's not summer yet. But Nauset Schools is experiencing very high demand for their grab-and-go meals and would like help preparing them. While students attending in person receive meals in their classrooms, many children are still learning remotely. And the economic pressure on families is not going away - food insecurity is higher than ever.
Where? The cafeteria at Nauset Middle School in Orleans (70 S. Orleans Rd.)
When? Monday through Friday. We have set up two 2-hour shifts (You will be on your feet the whole time.) You may sign up for both shifts on the same day if you wish.
Early Shift: from 9:00 am to 11:00 am
Late Shift: from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm
Right now the sign up goes through February. We believe the need for volunteers might continue through the school year and we will extend the schedule as needed.
Is it safe? Yes. All state mandated precautions are strictly adhered to. Masks and other safety materials will be provided.
Requirements?Yes. For the safety and security of all, the school requires (1) a completed CORI (Criminal Offender Record Information) Form and (2) a copy of your drivers license. You can click here to download the CORI form. Then email a completed copy AND a copy of your drivers license to Janet Daley, Nauset School's Business Office Clerk at daleyj@nausetschools.org. OR you can bring them to the Nauset School Central Office (78 Eldredge Park Way, Orleans), ring the doorbell on the left and ask for Janet Daley. You will need to do this at least one work day before you are scheduled to volunteer.
with how and when you would like to volunteer and we will sign you up.
Those who volunteer
will receive an email reminder
2 days before your scheduled date.
We are aware that many of us on the Cape are in good health, but still fall into the "at risk" categories. Please volunteer only if you truly feel this is something you are comfortable doing.
Childhood hunger is a hidden reality on Cape Cod.
We are thrilled you would like to help make a difference
by supporting Food 4 Kids with your volunteer time!
Thank you!
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.