Headwaters Food and Farming Alliance offers this monthly e-newsletter featuring the foundational pillars of the Headwaters Food Charter . The Charter was developed in partnership with WDG Public Health and has been widely endorsed. This series aims to keep you informed about issues and events relating to the Charter's 6 Pillars, 15 Goals and 27 Actions prioritized by our communities to enhance our food system.
Food Access and Equity
We value everyone's basic right to afford
and physically access healthy food.
Know your HFFA Hub members
Andrew Seagram is Director of Community Use of Schools at Upper Grand District School Board. He has been involved with the Guelph and Wellington Task Force for Poverty Elimination and shares the position of Education Respresentative on the HFFA Hub, with Bob Megens.

Lisa Needham is a former Chair of HFFA and a Public Health Nutritionist at WDGPH. She led the development of the Headwaters Food Charter, and carries out the Nutritious Food Basket studies for our Health Unit. We are grateful to Lisa for providing the reference material for this month's newsletter.
Last Local Food Club pack is this month
Order by Sunday June 9
This is your last chance to try Local Food Club this school year. Don't miss this pack full of early spring delights from hyper-local growers.
LFC is available through the following schools:

Alton PS
Belfountain PS
Macville PS
Centennial Hylands ES
Credit Meadows ES
Glenbrook ES
Hyland Heights ES
Island Lake PS
Mono-Amaranth PS
Princess Elizabeth PS
Primrose ES
St. Andrew ES

Have you received your invitation yet?
In case you missed it, you can read our invitation here.
Tickets are now on sale for our summer dinner series!
Was this forwarded to you? Be the first to get the news by joining our mailing list.
Our Vision
The Headwaters Food and Farming Alliance (HFFA) envisions a food system that is productive, sustainable, transparent, and fair; supports the health and well-being of our residents and food providers; and contributes to the prosperous and equitable economy.
Headwaters Food and Farming Alliance (HFFA) is a project of
Headwaters Communities In Action