Newsletter | September 2021
We are calling on the federal government to #MakeFoodAllergyCount by supporting the National Food Allergy Action Plan. But we can’t do it alone. Your voice is needed to make #FoodAllergyVotes heard.
Learn about what makes your food allergy severe and gain valuable insights.
Dr. Bégin is both a researcher and clinician, and he's recognized as a leader in multi-allergen OIT. His academic and clinical background makes him an expert on this topic. Don’t miss out!
Spaces are filling up quickly, so be sure to register your 7-15-year-old today! The free 8-week program begins September 25th.
Health Canada is conducting a public consultation on labelling for natural health products like vitamins, minerals, probiotics, herbal remedies, homeopathic and traditional medicines.
We need you to let Health Canada know how important proper food allergen labelling is on these products.
Deadline for feedback is September 24, 2021.
Read information from Health Canada on crustacean allergy and edible insects.
Plus, help us advocate for accurate ingredient labelling by supporting our #FoodAllergyVotes campaign and sending your local candidates a letter with the click of a button.
If your child has a diagnosed milk and/or egg allergy and has successfully completed a baked challenge, take the short survey.
The results will help to ensure meaningful tools and resources are created to help support families in keeping baked egg/milk in the diet, which ultimately can lead to a faster resolution of egg and milk allergies in children.
A recent study on the use of epinephrine before going to the hospital for anaphylaxis gives insight into why this life-saving medicine is underutilized.
Learn more and find out how you can help get food allergen labelling on these products.
Register now!
Hear from Dr. Philippe Bégin, a clinician-scientist, assistant professor, and a leader in multi-allergen OIT. He will discuss what makes your food allergy severe.
Last call to register your 7-15-year-old for the fall session of Allergy Pals/Allies.
The free 8-week online session will run from September 25 to November 13, 2021.
Registration is now open for this year's Sweet Caroline Foundation Virtual Run.
This run/walk is to honour the memory of Caroline Lorette who passed away at the age of 14 from an allergic reaction to dairy.
Attend our free 90-minute interactive webinar with a trained parent mentor.
Next sessions are September 18th and 22nd. Spaces are limited to a maximum of 6, reserve your spot now!
Learn about our support groups and connect virtually.
It's a great way to get in touch with other families living with food allergy, and exchange tips on managing food allergy at school.
Get educated on navigating food allergy at school. Hear from experts and other youth with food allergy!
Watch our webinars and please share with others, so they can also benefit.
Ask the infectious disease expert:
Dr. Zain Chagla, MD, FRCPC
Dr. Zain Chagla shares his thoughts on returning back-to-school during this time in the pandemic.
Dr. Chagla specializes in infectious diseases, internal medicine, and tropical medicine.
Ask the Allergist:
Dr. Julia Upton, MD, FRCPC, MPH
This month, Dr. Julia Upton answers a question about navigating food allergy and the back-to-school season.
Ask the Dietitian:
Amy Chow, RD
This month, Amy answers a question on how to involve kids with food allergy in the kitchen and notes the benefits for doing so.
There is still time to participate in a couple fundraisers from our back-to-school campaign sponsors. Check out the active fundraisers below from epicute, Vermont Nut Free Chocolates and Allergy Lifestyle. By supporting these fundraisers, you are directly supporting our charity!
Plus, discover more ways to make an impact and support our cause below.