What You Need to Know About Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs)

If you have a tax-advantaged retirement account, such as an IRA or 401(k), you know the importance of saving for retirement. It’s wonderful to have a nest egg out there, ready to draw on if needed, right? But your Uncle Sam gave you a tax break when you contributed that money, and eventually he wants his cut. That’s when “required minimum distributions” (RMDs) come into play.

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Don't Overlook Taxes When Contemplating a Move to Another State

When you retire, you may think about moving to another state — perhaps because the weather is more temperate or because you want to be closer to family members. Don’t forget to factor state and local taxes into the equation. Establishing residency for state tax purposes may be more complex than you think.

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Are scholarships tax-free or taxable?

With the rising cost of college, many families are in search of scholarships to help pay the bills. If your child is awarded a scholarship, you may wonder about how it could affect your family’s taxes. Click below to find out.

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Managing Cash Flows to Build Wealth

Do you have too much money left in your business when there are opportunities to invest elsewhere? Business cash is often at elevated levels. It makes you more likely to be asked to spend money on restaurants, gives the impression you're flush with cash, and large distributions can negatively impact viability scores.

The solution? Systematically move money from business to personal ownership on an automated and regular basis. 

Ready to put your cash to work? Contact Tim Shmidl, CFP®, CRPC® at 913-345-1444 or tim@prismfg.com.




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