Update on Visa/Mastercard Settlement

We want to let you know that the claims submission date for this settlement has been extended to August 30, 2024. See the screen grab from the settlement website below.

The Claims Administrator has acknowledged that the processing of claims under this settlement takes a significant amount of time. 

If Mize is handling this on your behalf, please be patient as we work through the necessary steps to ensure your accurate and complete claims submission. If you have questions for us about the status of your claim, please reach out to settlement@mizecpas.com.

Unleashing Financial Freedom With Early Wage Access

In the bustling world of the restaurant industry, financial stability is a crucial component for both employees and employers. With the ever-increasing financial demands, the need for immediate access to earned wages has never been more relevant. Earned Wage Access (EWA) is a financial service that allows employees to access their earned wages before the scheduled payday. 

Click Here


Utilizing Financial Planning Strategies TO BUILD WEALTH

Are you utilizing financial planning strategies to maximize wealth building opportunities to meet personal goals? You should be!

There are several strategies you can utilize to achieve your financial goals. A few of these include:

  • Pay yourself first – Be a disciplined saver
  • Be an early contributor each year to tax-qualified accounts
  • Charitable Planning with Donor Advised Fund (DAF), Foundations and IRA RMD planning and possible charitable gifting
  • Social Security Claiming Strategies
  • IRMAA Planning during Medicare premium paying years
  • Estate Planning – Gifting, Trusts, ILITs, and proper titling of accounts

Ready to put your cash to work? Contact Tim Shmidl, CFP®, CRPC® at 913-345-1444 or tim@prismfg.com.




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