Latino Entrepreneur Day
Adelante Mujeres  and Washington County Green Business Leaders continue our partnership in supporting participants in the Empresas Small Business Development  program. Together we provide these entrepreneurs access to free resources that help businesses waste less, protect the environment, and save time and money.

On Saturday July 13, please join us in celebrating El Dia del Emprendedor Latino highlighting five female-owned businesses that have done significant work in their communities, please join us!
Reduce, Reuse & Recycle
When it comes to the three R's, its important to remember that reducing and reusing are better options than recycling. Check out this short video to learn why the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality prioritizes reducing and reusing waste. To lessen our environmental impacts, we should look for ways to reduce consumption and reuse whenever possible.
The Green Business Leaders program can help your business evaluate potential areas where you can reduce and reuse resources to help the environment and save money. Contact us today!
Food Scraps Collection Requirement
In 2018, the Metro Council adopted an ordinance requiring local governments to implement business food scraps collection requirements. City and county agencies across the region are adopting requirements that will take effect in March 2020 for businesses that generate more than 1,000 pounds of food scraps per week. Businesses located in cities or counties that have adopted the requirement will be notified in early 2020 by city and county staff.
Food is the largest single portion of our region’s waste and businesses generate more than half of it. These food scraps collection programs aim to capture the benefits of turning food scraps into energy and useful soil amendment products instead of disposing of them in a landfill. 
 Learn more about this policy and whether it applies to your business. Contact Washington County's Green Business Leaders program now to help you get on board with a food scraps collection program early!
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