One in 5 of us can expect to experience atrial fibrillation in our lifetime. Atrial fibrillation is a type of irregular heart beat that can cause symptoms of chest pounding and shortness of breath, and also create conditions that lead to a stroke.
Medication and procedures are the mainstays of therapy, but often overlooked is the key role that diet and lifestyle can play to help manage atrial fibrillation.
In our latest addition to the Gaples Institute Lifestyle Library, we discuss dietary patterns that help protect against atrial fibrillation—and specific foods that may be especially beneficial to maximize (and avoid).
Some people with atrial fibrillation experience such severe symptoms that an ablation procedure is recommended to rewire the heart's electrical circuit. But even when high-tech procedures are needed, long term outcomes are far better for those who also adopt healthy lifestyle practices.
Learn more in our latest article:
Diets for Atrial Fibrillation: No Fibbing >>