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Animated graph of a heartbeat, shown on the surface of a white plate with fork and knife nearby. The title next to the plate is "How a Healthy Diet Can Help Manage Atrial Fibrillation."

Let Diet Help Keep You On Beat

One in 5 of us can expect to experience atrial fibrillation in our lifetime. Atrial fibrillation is a type of irregular heart beat that can cause symptoms of chest pounding and shortness of breath, and also create conditions that lead to a stroke.

Medication and procedures are the mainstays of therapy, but often overlooked is the key role that diet and lifestyle can play to help manage atrial fibrillation.

In our latest addition to the Gaples Institute Lifestyle Library, we discuss dietary patterns that help protect against atrial fibrillation—and specific foods that may be especially beneficial to maximize (and avoid).

Some people with atrial fibrillation experience such severe symptoms that an ablation procedure is recommended to rewire the heart's electrical circuit. But even when high-tech procedures are needed, long term outcomes are far better for those who also adopt healthy lifestyle practices.

Learn more in our latest article:

Diets for Atrial Fibrillation: No Fibbing >>


Physician and University Educator Uses Gaples Institute Nutrition Course for Students and Patients

The Gaples Institute’s interactive public nutrition course has garnered high praise from Dr. Nader Silver, a family medicine physician who teaches a "Health & Society" course at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia.

Smiling headshot of Nader Silver, MD

Dr. Silver’s students represent a broad range of majors—from history to dance to community health. “They have varying backgrounds in nutrition,” he explains, and he found the Gaples Institute course to be just the right blend of learner-friendly content that is also “high-yield, practical, and based on solid nutritional evidence.”

In fact, he has even started sharing the course with his colleagues and the patients he sees in clinic. The modules are very well made and have been a great resource for my college students, as well as my patients.”

What Dr. Silver's students said about the Gaples Institute nutrition course:
  • "Quick, easy, and engaging."
  • "I learned that getting protein from plants is easier than you think."
  • "I enjoyed the interactive elements."
  • "I liked the examples of what a healthy day of eating looks like."

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The Gaples Institute logo, alongside the words: "A physician-led educational nonprofit devoted to advancing the role of nutrition and lifestyle in healthcare."

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