With the arrival of 2023, and in the spirit of fresh starts, we have some exciting new beginnings at COSEBOC. 
COSEBOC Programming
Footprints and Footsteps
We are pleased to announce the launch of our newest professional development course, Footprints and Footsteps! This course prepares teams of educators from middle and high schools to implement the COSEBOC Footprints and Footsteps curriculum, designed to empower youth by introducing them to voices of the past, voices of today, and their own voices of tomorrow. It is a pedagogical approach rooted in the Ghanaian concept of Sankofa – a return to one’s essential history; to the values, practices, rituals, and intelligence that help activate a memory of healthy identity.
Legacy Matters: What Are You Passing on to Black Boys?
Read a new opinion piece by Ron Walker in Word In Black. In light of Footprints and Footsteps as a framework to learn, remember, and carry the legacies and principles from people we honor and revere, thoughtful questions arise: What legacy am I prepared to pass on? What is the significance of passing a legacy baton? Why does this matter, especially now?
Excerpt from the article: 
“When the legacy baton is passed, a collective community is actualized. The village that is required to raise children into strong adults is preserved and strengthened, and all that is needed to serve as the incubator for the positive growth and development across the youth’s lifespan — social, emotional, spiritual, and academic development — is available and sustained. The community benefits…”
Welcome Liz Murray! 
We are excited to announce our new Director of Operations and Partnerships, Liz Murray. Liz has been a part of the COSEBOC family as Site Coordinator under the Hewlett Packard grant. As an educational leader with experience in system level and organizational change, adult learning and leadership development, Liz is the perfect fit to be supporting COSEBOC’s partnerships and programs.
Conversation with Thought Leaders (CTL)
February, the month of love, we will convene our new season of Conversations with Thought Leaders with educator, poet, activist, and interrupter Yolanda Sealey-Ruiz. Keep an eye out for the full list of future presenters, dates and schedule.
Thank You!
We send heartfelt thanks and appreciation to everyone who contributed to our Year-End Giving Campaign and all who have stayed with us on this journey and have helped us to achieve the milestones in our mission.
We are happy to share the news of the recently published book, KING: Four-Part Leadership Framework For Black Men, by our friend and colleague, Dr. Ian P. Buchanan.

The KING Leadership Framework is designed to speak to the needs of the black male leader as he continues to evolve into the leader he is destined to be. 

We have no doubt that you will walk away from KING with a deeper sense of self-awareness and purpose. 
As we further our theme of Footprints and Footsteps, we honor and acknowledge Shawn Dove for his strong and determined footprints and footsteps. Shawn has been, and continues to be, a mentor, friend and guide to COSEBOC since our beginning. 

Today we celebrate the one year anniversary of I Too Am America: On Loving and Leading Black Men and Boys by Shawn Dove.

COSEBOC | Coalition of Schools Educating Boys of Color
255 Main Street, 8th Floor
Cambridge, MA 02142