
St. Catherine of Siena ECEC news & updates

Volume 8 Issue 9

Welcome back! It was so nice to see all of you again! The Christmas Programs were so lovely and the students really did a great job. Shout out to the teachers for all of their hard work and creativity.

The second half of the school year tends to be the time period when we see the most growth in students. Children tend to really gain confidence during this time period and it is typically a lot of fun to see the connections that they are making daily as things click into place! Enjoy these changes. Independence in our children can seem scary because it means that they are growing up but try to join your child in their excitement as they gain new skills and confidence!

Please note that our day begins at 8 AM with drop off ending at 8:30 AM. If your child has an appointment and will be late, please notify the teacher or the office and have your child to school no later than 10 AM. Since we are different than a day care, we require that children arrive on time so that they won't miss class learning. It is also important that your child attend their scheduled days and not show up on a day which is not scheduled. Thank you for your cooperation!

Faculty Focus

Mrs. Danielle Harder is completing student teaching this semester as she finishes her Master's degree in Special Education

Our open house will be 2/12/23 11:30-1:00 PM for new students planning on enrolling for next fall. If you have a younger sibling you do not have to wait until open house, enroll during our returning student registrtaion window.

Welcome to new student Zeinah to PK1!

Enrollment forms for next year will be coming home in the yellow folders next week. You will have the opportunity to enroll your child with a reduced registration fee. You also will have the opportunity to enroll prior to new families.

Tax returns

Included in today's folder is a document which you can use for claiming childcare on your tax return. It is not an invoice.

Reminder- No school 1/16/23

Early Dismissal 1/26/23 12 PM

Click here to Join REMIND School Alert System

REMINDER We follow WASHINTON LOCAL for closings and delays due to weather.  The Remind APP, our facebook page and classroom message systems will also carry any message of school closings or delays.

School Calendar
Parent Handbook
Parent Handbook Acknowledgement form-digital signature
Covid-19 Risk agreement- digital signature 