
St. Catherine of Siena ECEC news & updates

Volume 9 Issue 5

Christmas Programs

We will have 2 Christmas programs again this year to try and avoid overcrowding in the church. Our first program will be held on December 18th at 1:30 PM in the church for PK1/PK2/PK3/PS1

The second program will be held on December 19th at 1:30 in the church for PK4/PK5/PK6/PS2

Our church is located behind the Siena Center. Please enter through the Siena Center and proceed down the long hall, through the doors at the end and turn right on the pathway outside of the doors. This will bring you to the church. These programs are very short! Each class will sing a couple of songs and then the entire group will sing together. Dismissal on program days will take place in the church. For those not in the program (on the opposite day), dismissal will take place as usual. More information to follow!

Illness Policy!!! Please read, sign and return the illness policy which was sent home this week!

Conferences are coming up! November 20th and 21st are designated as conference days. If you are unable to attend either of these days, please let the teacher know. Sign ups will come from the teacher so keep an eye out!

Parent/Teacher conference tips

November 20th will be a normally scheduled day instead of a day off. Conferences will begin after dismissal. Please note that there will be NO PM extended day on that day so that teachers may attend conferences.

Preschool Lunches

In our busy lives, it is often difficult to find time to pack healthy lunches for ourselves or our children. If you find that you would like to take advantage of our free hot lunches this year, just let us know! Our meals are carefully designed to meet all of the guidelines for healthy options/portions. Many foods designed for children's packed lunches are created for convenience and are filled with little nutritional value. Student lunches should be limited on items which are considered snack foods (donuts, cheetos, cookies, poptarts, candybars, chips etc.). We encourage following the linked guidelines for packed lunches. You can put in your child's age and activity level to get a suggested menu. I have a sample one linked as well. The sample is for a 4 year old female with 30-60 minutes of moderate activity each day.

My Food Plan Widget

4 Year Old Example


ACCOUNTS -Must be brought current by the end of December in order to maintain enrollment for the second half of the school year. Contact the office now if your account is behind to set up a plan to bring the account current.

Autopayment form


11/20- No PM extended day

11/21- No School conferences

11/22-11/24 Thanksgiving break no school

12/20- Early dismissal 12 PM

12/21- Christmas Break

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