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LHD Pending Queues

Dear Local Health Departments (LHDs),

You may have noticed that you now have access to “Personal Pending” and “Medical Pending” queues in NCDAVE. This access was provided on 01/18/2024. 

These queues provide LHDs with more visibility of the status of vital event reporting in their county, which will allow the local health department to better determine outstanding actions that are required prior to state registration. With this visibility, LHDs may contact registration partners, such as funeral homes and medical certifiers, to discuss status of their pending system actions. 

Our purpose for providing LHDs with access to these queues is twofold:

Firstly, we are in need of your assistance in contacting Certifiers (Medical Pending Queue) and Funeral Homes (Personal Pending Queue) who have outstanding system actions for calendar year 2022 deaths that remain unregistered in NCDAVE.

Follow back with Certifiers (Medical Pending Queue) and Funeral Homes (Personal Pending Queue) for calendar year 2022 deaths is a priority request for LHD support in these queues.

As noted above, the purpose of this access is twofold. Once the priority activity of closing out calendar year 2022 death reporting has been completed, LHDs may continue to use the queues to support follow back with Certifiers and Funeral Homes for all outstanding death records going forward.

LHD EDRS Medical and Pending Queue Job Aid

Snapshot of Queues

Medical Pending and Legal Pending- LHDs will be able to see the Birth Certificates that are pending Birthing Centers and Hospitals action in their county. LHDs can also see if a facility needs to send an AOP and if they have uploaded one. The status of the cases would be “Legal Invalid” and/or “Medical Invalid”. This can help the LHDs to reach out or follow up with the birthing centers and hospitals about the status of finalizing birth reporting.

Personal Pending- LHDs will be able to see the Death Certificates pending funeral home action in their county. The status of the cases would be “Personal Invalid”. This can help the LHDs to reach out or follow up with the funeral homes about the status of finalizing death reporting.

Medical Pending- LHDs will be able to see the Death Certificates pending medical certification i.e., Death Certificates which are not certified yet by the medical certifiers. The status of the cases would be “Medical Invalid".

What about Older Records in the EDRS Medical and Personal Pending Queues?

When viewing the EDRS Medical and Personal pending queues, the local health department may see older records that appear to be duplicates or were already locally filed in paper form but are not registered in NCDAVE. To clear these from the queue, the local health department may report these records to the state by completing the attached excel spreadsheet and forwarding to the North Carolina Office of Vital Records via email at

Please do not use this sheet to request that NCOVR abandon birth or fetal death records. If you would like to request that an NCDAVE birth record to be abandoned, please contact

Older Records Discovery Process –

1.   North Carolina Vital Records is providing specialized access to NCDAVE to persons designated by their Health Director to assist. Please use the form below to provide the name and email address for the designated point of contact from your county. Click here.

2. The designated point of contact for the Local Health Department may complete the attached spreadsheet, click here, with the older records discovered in the LHD pending queues via email to This email will be used for both birth and death records.

3.   The Local Health Department will look through the pending queues list to identify if there are older records that have already been registered via paper registration, duplicate registration, or still pending registration.

4.   Once the Local Health Department has identified the older records that they request to be abandoned or registered, they will place the record’s case ID number, registrant name, and date of event on the attached spreadsheet and send the information to NC Office of Vital Records via

5.  The NC Office of Vital Records will abandon or register  the older cases at the state level and the previously registered and/or duplicate cases will be removed from the LHD pending queues.

For information about training and technical assistance opportunities to support these activities, see below.

LHD Pending Queues Training:

North Carolina Office of Vital Records will offer training for the LHD pending queues virtually via Microsoft Teams.

Link to join the training – Click here.

Training Dates and Times 

Tuesday, January 30, 2024 – 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

Wednesday, January 31, 2024 – 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

Thursday, February 1, 2024 – 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.


We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience during our NCDAVE implementation efforts.

The NCDAVE Help Desk is available to provide further assistance if needed.

Help Desk Contact Numbers:

919-792- 5996


Thank you for your continued partnership!


Terra Ankrah, MBA (she/her)

State Registrar, Interim Director

Office of Vital Records, State Center for Health Statistics

NC Department of Health and Human Services


NCDHHS provides essential services to improve the health, safety and well-being of all North Carolinians. Learn more about NCDHHS initiatives and priorities.

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