Okay, some of us are overthinkers without severity. These are people like me.
My dad told me as a child, “Becky, everything seems worse at night”. Boy, was he right! These are the nights that you can’t seem to “stop your mind from going on and on”. These are the nights your negativity and “what if’s” come in to play. When you find yourself overthinking, it can be helpful to ask yourself specific questions to gain clarity, challenge irrational thoughts, and redirect your mental focus.
Here are some questions you can ask yourself when you begin your journey to overthinking:
Is this thought based on facts or assumptions? Challenge the accuracy of your thoughts. Are you making assumptions without concrete evidence? What is a fact and what is an opinion or assumption? “My boss hates me and she is going to fire me” is way different than “My boss has a different personality than I am used to”.
What evidence supports or contradicts this thought? Look for objective evidence that either supports or contradicts your current thinking. This can help you assess the validity of your concerns. Is your boss offering you productive feedback that you can actually use to improve your skill set? Do you actually want to be friends with your boss out side of work? Are you doing your level best to preform at work? Are you listening to feedback and implementing this is a positive way?