Maundy Thursday
April 1, 2021
There's still time to SIGN UP for the Maundy Thursday All Night Prayer Vigil TONIGHT!
Jesus said to the Disciples, "I am deeply grieved...remain here and stay awake with me."

Beginning after the Eucharist on Maundy Thursday evening, April 1st, the church will be open again all night until the sun rises on the morning of Good Friday, for prayer, meditation and holy silence in front of the special Altar of Repose in the sanctuary. The Men of All Saints (MOAS) are hosting the Prayer Vigil, and security will be provided, giving all who would like to keep watch for an hour in front of the reserved sacrament this unique, safe, and deeply spiritual opportunity. If you'd like to take an hour throughout the night, sign up now by sending the hour you plan to be in the church to the email address HERE. We hope to have at least one person per hour keeping watch with Jesus through the night.
Special Music will ring out at All Saints for Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday!
Our All Saints musicians have been hard at work to offer a variety of meaningful music this Holy Week and Easter. Our Maundy Thursday Eucharist TONIGHT will feature "Lord, In Thy Tender Mercy's Sake," attributed to Richard Farrant. Our Maundy Thursday service has always been rich with musical offerings that remind us of Christ's 'mandate' to love and serve one another. 

Another anthem the Parish Choir will be offering TOMORROW on Good Friday is by one of Jacksonville's own well-known choral composers, Donald McCullough. Our choir has truly loved learning Mr. McCullough's haunting setting of "Ah, Holy Jesus." The atmosphere the music creates is both solemn and unsettling as it asks, "Who was it that crucified Him?" You must hear it as part of your Holy Week journey!

On Easter Sunday, our 6:30am Easter Sunrise Vigil will feature baritone Cyriac Adjevi. Remember to bring a bell (or two) if you wish to ring out when we sing and shout, 'Alleluia!' The St. Nicholas Jr. & Sr. Choristers join us at 9 am, singing uplifting and festive settings of beloved Easter hymns, along with Dr. Randy Tinnin, UNF Professor of Trumpet. Among his musical offerings will include joining with Cyriac to offer "The Trumpet Shall Sound" from Messiah. Our fantastic Parish Choir will lead us at 11 am to "raise high the roof" with hymns, descants, anthems, and more. Randy joins us as well. May all of us lift our voices in praise!
Have you served as an usher at All Saints in the past? Would you like to take on a new important ministry welcoming people into our church on this upcoming Easter morning?? To be an usher is simple. Get to church a few minutes early. Welcome people coming into the church. Point out the bulletins. Help folks find a seat. Go sit for the service with your family until after the Peace, when you help carry our fancy baskets around for the collection before Holy Communion. After the collection is complete, bring the collection up to the altar. That's it! If this sounds like something you'd be interested in helping with this Easter Sunday morning at All Saints at 6:30am, 9am, or 11am, WE COULD USE YOUR HELP!! Due to COVID and the crowds we could see for our Easter services, Fr. Donavan needs all the help he can get. Please let Bill Eyler know this Sunday at church, or just send an email to Molly in the church office HERE.
Church Office CLOSED for Easter Week:
April 5th -April 9th
In celebration of the arrival of the Great 50 Days of the Easter Season (and to give the church staff some time to recover!), the All Saints Church office will be closed for Easter Week, Monday, April 5th through Friday, April 9th. DEACON MARK WILL LEAD MORNING PRAYER & OFFER HIS BIBLE STUDY ON EASTER WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7TH, AT 9:30AM.   

If you have a pastoral emergency, please contact the clergy directly. The office will reopen on Monday, April 12th.
Breakfast at All Saints Returns!
Sunday Donuts & Coffee in the Courtyard beginning on Sunday, April 11th!

Beginning on the Second Sunday of Easter, April 11th, the Men's Breakfast Committee will be serving individually wrapped donuts and fresh, hot coffee in the courtyard, between the church and the Parish Hall, starting at 9am EVERY SUNDAY! It's not exactly the full breakfast buffet All Saints was known for prior to the Pandemic, but it's our first step back in that direction, offered safely outdoors with plenty of space for social distancing! And following the 10am service, the coffee will be refreshed for a "Coffee Hour" for anyone who'd like to catch up with friends at church!
So, start planning to arrive at church a little early again on Sunday mornings for "Donuts and Coffee in the Courtyard" at All Saints! Right on!
Thank you all for your generous blanket donations during the month of January and February! We are back to collecting food for UCOM and they are in desperate need of breakfast foods and canned goods! You are more than welcome to donate almost any food item. Please place all food in the Outreach Barrel just inside the front entrance of the church for our Outreach Committee to pick up and deliver.
Thank you for helping to feed those who are hungry in our community!
'Wonderful Wednesdays' with C.R.E.W.
for 6th-8th graders!
During the Lenten season, C.R.E.W. will be meeting every Wednesday off campus from 6-7pm for meaningful conversation and powerful service projects. Want to get your 6th-8th grader involved? Contact Hillary Citrano at
RSVP for our Sunday Morning
Children's Chapel!
Children ages 4-9 are invited to come and participate in Children's Chapel while their parents worship inside the church every Sunday during the 10am service! Ms. Hillary will have a special lesson, followed by crafts and activities, for the full hour of the church worship service, with social distancing and face masks!  All you need to do is RSVP Hillary Citrano if you'd like your child/children to attend. PLEASE RSVP BY 12PM ON SATURDAY TO ENSURE THERE ARE ENOUGH CRAFT MATERIALS FOR ALL THE CHILDREN!

At 9:50am each Sunday, the doors will open to the Parish Hall and children will have their temperature checked at the door before entering. There will be NO SNACKS, so please be sure you're not dropping off a hungry little saint. This is a wonderful opportunity to safely get your entire family back into prayer & worship at All Saints on Sunday morning! All you need to do is 
Bible Study! Every Wednesday after the 9:30
Holy Eucharist inside the church!
So many of our Thursday Bible Study attendees have been looking for a way to continue the chance to read and discuss the Bible safely in these uncertain times. With the reopening of the church for worship services, Deacon Mark is now connecting our regular Thursday Bible Study to the Wednesday morning Holy Eucharist service for those over 65 and with immunocompromised conditions. This is allowing those who come into the church for Wednesday worship to STAY in their seats immediately after the service for the Bible Study. Deacon Mark begins the Wednesday Bible Study every week around 10:15am, so please plan on bringing your Bible with you to the church this Wednesday to join the discussion! And if you know someone who might not be receiving the newsletter, please pass along the good news so they can join in the Bible Study, as well!  
Sermons are available
now online!
Want to hear or listen again to the sermons by Fr. Donavan, Mtr. Lisa, or Deacon Mark? Are you trying to convince a friend to visit and want to send them a sermon so they know what they're in for? Well, you are in luck! All of our sermons are now online! Check out all our sermons here now, or subscribe to 'Sunday Sermons at All Saints' on your favorite Podcast app!
4171 Hendricks Avenue,
Jacksonville, FL 32207