Hi Mia,
I will fight for an equitable California, where everyone is secured a livable future with economic dignity, political efficacy, and social security.
This begins by ensuring California has the best public schools in the nation, that our teachers are well-paid, and our students have all the resources they need.
Moreover, our democracy is in serious need of reform. Rather than representing the needs of the people, many of our elected officials seem to only care about powerful corporations and wealthy donors. We can draw a straight line between money and the election of legislators whose votes benefit only the wealthiest amongst us. The amount of money you have should not determine the power of your voice nor your ability to successfully run for office.
I've learned a LOT about running for office in the past 19 months. And one of my many takeaways is that campaign funding is no where near equitable. My opponent is given hundreds of thousands of dollars from corporations, lobbyists, and PACs and she has a campaign war chest nearing a million dollars.
Meanwhile our campaign couldn't afford to put a candidate statement in the sample ballot guide - they charge $25 PER WORD, adding up to $6,250 for a 250 word statement - and we struggle with costs for All The Campaign Things.
These inequities make it incredibly difficult for a regular citizen like me or like you to get elected. In a government that's supposed to be "of the people, by the people, for the people," how are regular people supposed to serve in office if they can't afford to get elected?