DALLAS, March 25, 2020
- With emergency health concerns halting gatherings statewide and local "shelter-in-place" regulations, the Catholic Pro-Life Community is committed to finding safe solutions for continuing its ministry work and galvanizing the community to unite in this crisis for the most vulnerable.
The Catholic Pro-Life Community (CPLC) is serving pregnant and parenting mothers who are struggling to support their families and meet mounting financial burdens in this economic shutdown. CPLC's Project Gabriel is helping these families navigate available resources and obtain critical supplies as stores are overrun.
The CPLC's support and referral network is not only present for these vulnerable mothers and their children, but also for those who are suffering the loss of a child through abortion, often made more acute by the current social isolation.
"We are so grateful to our staff and volunteers who have stepped up in heroic ways to help others in this crisis, said Executive Director Becky Visosky. "As our community unites in this time of crisis to save lives, however, there is one startling exception -- the abortion facilities who flaunt health concerns for their own gain."
Last week, as schools and businesses across the Dallas metroplex were closing and community gatherings were halted by government regulation, Dallas abortion facilities were still operating. After Dallas County issued a shelter-in-stay order and elective medical procedures were prohibited statewide, the abortion facilities continued to operate. After the Texas Attorney General issued a statement that abortion was among the prohibited procedures, Planned Parenthood abortion facility still insisted on staying open.
"We've always known the abortion industry was motivated by profit, but the refusal to realign those priorities in the face of a pandemic is beyond comprehension," said Visosky. "Our organization had to respond by ensuring our sidewalk counselors would be present on the front line to offer compassionate alternatives to the mothers and babies being victimized for profit." Coupled with God's amazing grace, CPLC counselors have helped 15 abortion-vulnerable mothers to choose life for their babies since the local state of emergency was declared on March 13.
This work is largely made possible by the support of the Dallas-area community at the annual Bishop's Pro-Life Dinner. The largest event of its kind in Texas, the gala typically attracts upwards of 2,000 attendees and is critical to funding the CPLC's life-saving, life-changing ministries.
This annual celebration of life hosted by Bishop Edward Burns was scheduled for April 18, 2020. Because of the continuing health concerns, however, the event is transitioning to the first-ever Virtual Celebration of Life.
"Although moving forward with an in-person event is not possible this year, canceling is simply not an option," said Visosky. "Instead, our team is working to create an innovative and exciting new way to bring our community together in its shared commitment to protecting the Gift of Life. Their support has never been more critical when so many of our clients in personal crisis are made increasingly vulnerable by this public health crisis."
For the first time, this event will be open not only to those local to the Dallas area, but to a larger international audience, who follows the work of the CPLC and benefits from its mentorship in cities across the globe.
- First-ever virtual Bishop's Pro-Life Dinner on April 18 at 7 p.m.
- Featuring
- Most Reverend Edward Burns, Bishop of Dallas
- Students for Life of America Kristan Hawkins
- Interview of Champion Gymnast Jennifer Bricker about her journey from a life destined for hardship to a life of triumph through faith and the beauty of adoption
- Event will offer opportunities for live interaction and be translated into Spanish real-time.
- There is no charge for the event. Pre-registration, however, is required at prolifedallas.org.
- Donations to continue the life-saving work of the Catholic Pro-Life Community are welcome before or during the live-stream broadcast.