Weekly Newsletter
Zion Lutheran Church Council Meeting - 6/21/22

Present: Pastor Steve Sathre, Charlsie Burud, Bethany Jensen, Erica Atkinson, Roger Guttormson, Rich Jensen, John Thompson, John Butgereit, Melissa Helgeson, Derek Buss, Annlea Eskelson, Absent: Pastor Natasha Woitzel-Kolles

Meeting Called to order at 6:35pm by John Butgereit

Opening prayer by Pastor Steve.

No guests at Meeting.

Approval of Agenda: Roger made motion to approve agenda with additions of B. Constitution and C. Call committee under old business. Seconded motion by Charlsie. Motion carried

Secretary Minutes: John T made motion to approve council minutes from 5/17/22 as with changes of correcting spelling of Erica’s name. Roger seconded motion. Motion carried.

Pastor Reports: Pastor Steve said he is working with both call committee and the hiring committee from the council. Everything is still on track with pulpit supply.

Faith Formation Reports: Church school rotation on Thomas was well received and a big thanks from Chris to Education Servant Staff, Mikael Trudell, Robert White and Eric who helped make everything run smoothly. Day camp is coming up June 27-July1 and will be in need of volunteers. There are 4 summer family fun night’s scheduled with worship outside (weather permitting) and family activities to follow. Nursery will be available but not staffed during summer. Sing 2 movie night was well attended with 2 new families. We are looking for a coordinator for Food, Faith and Family for Fall. Book study with Moms on Mission and SOUL sisters will be “The Social Dilemma”. RIC team will schedule another discussion as the last gathering was cancelled due to illness. The Outdoor Enhancement Team is looking for someone to lead the construction part of the project. Safety and Security Task Force is waiting on a few bids for systems to help keep staff and families safe at Zion.

Treasurer’s report - Erica reported that the bank is still working on setting up the savings account. She has requested a general ledger from our current bookkeeper to aid in clarity and transparency prior to the new position that will be taking on accounting duties. Year to date, our income from offering has been on track. She has checked with our bookkeeper to make sure our gifts to LCM, Metigoshe Ministries and ELCA synod has been on track with our budgeted amount. Rich made motion to approve/accept treasurer’s report. Derek seconded. Motion approved.

Old Business:
A.  Operations Director position - hiring committee reported that they conducted several interviews and did return to the council with report of candidates and a recommendation to hire. Council voted to accept the committee’s recommendation and a motion was made on hiring package by Melissa, seconded by Derek. Council agreed to initial hiring offer which fell within budgeted estimate for position. Council agreed to possible part-time up to 20 hours prior to full time start date at hourly salary to allow transition and training if needed. We anticipate that clarification of Karen’s job duties will likely be necessary to avoid duplication/redundancy and to ensure clarity for all parties.
B.  Constitution - Rich reported that he has looked through the by-laws that are currently built into the constitution at the church. After discussing with Murray Sagsveen, the lawyer with the synod, it does require some updating due to conflicting information within the constitution/by-laws and redundancy. Murray will be available to help after August. Rich made recommendation to get a committee together to help with this task to make sure they can be reviewed and approved by the synod and addressed at next year’s annual meeting. Next meeting should bring possible committee member names that may be willing to help
C. Call Committee - John T attended the first meeting of the call committee with the synod representative. Call committee members were tasked with starting to gather information so that our congregation’s paperwork can be approved and submitted. They are meeting again June 22nd and will continue to meet regularly to continue gathering information from congregants.

New Business:
1. Stewardship - need to develop a stewardship committee before August. Content was tabled until next meeting
2. Zion’s 125th anniversary in Dec 2022. Tabled the discussion on what to do to celebrate until next time.
3. Building Use request. Agreed to use of space for display of art with need for liability form signed that we are not responsible for any theft or damage of art while at Zion and that no additional holes in the wall to hang pieces. Charlsie motioned. Derek seconded. Motion carried.
4. Erica mentioned that the old communion rails are at the church when Jared has time to create a frame for the art that had been discussed previously to be made for Pr. John as a thank you gift. Charlsie agreed to reach out to the artist that had been suggested for the artwork for Pr. John prior to his departure and will check on it to see the status. 

8:15pm Adjourned meeting with Lord’s Prayer

Respectfully Submitted,
Bethany Jensen (secretary)
The Spirit Within Story
by Chelsey Mickelson

My spiritual story begins with a question: “Why am I like this?” I was at war with myself. Part of me felt as though I had everything I needed and was blessed with many gifts in my life. However, I couldn’t feel happiness because of the darkness inside of me was spreading into my physical, emotional, and spiritual being. I wore many faces to cover up the pain and darkness that was consuming me from the inside.

I struggled to hold and support the weight this darkness had on me. All the walls I built to keep out the darkness of work, relationship, family, and diabetes stress crumbled, and I was smothered into a dark cave. Without light in my world I became a bitter and hurt soul that hated everything. Although I hurt, I couldn’t ask for the help I desperately needed. I was ashamed of my darkness and what it had transformed me into. What it was making me think and feel. Somewhere in the dark was a glimmer of light working through to me. In someway it was telling me that this wasn’t the end for me, and I needed to rediscover my spirited light from within.

As I prayed for the light to grow within me I know that God began to speak to me. He opened new doors and beginnings for me. I felt strengthened in my relationships and I was introduced to new people and spirit guides. God showed me symbols and signs that the Heavens were listening; but most importantly that He was with me too, even on my darkest days.

My journey has taken me several years to reach this point in my life. It has had its challenges along the way and I continue to transform the more I journey. Like my journey I am perfectly imperfect and I can embrace life more than ever. I am so thankful for my family, friends, spirit guides, therapists, medium, tarot card reader, and the abounding others that have guided me on my journey. You are my blessings and I dedicate my work to you. Without you and God I wouldn’t have had the strength to rediscover the spirit within me.
Zion’s Schedule for July 24-August 7, 2022

Sunday, July 24th 
10:00am Worship

Tuesday, July 26th 
9:00am Pastor’s Text Study
 1:00pm Watercolor Painting
Youth on Montana Mission trip return

Wednesday, July 27th  
10:30am Team Meeting

Saturday, July 30th
5:00pm Worship

Sunday, July 31st 
10:00am Worship

Tuesday, August 2nd
9:00am Pastor’s Text Study
 1:00pm Watercolor Painting
6:30pm Trust Committee
Pastor Natasha's 1st day back from sabbatical

Wednesday, August 3rd 
10:30am Team Meeting

Saturday, August 6th
5:00pm Worship

Sunday, August 7th 
10:00am Worship