Ford to Meet with Current, Retired Law Enforcement Officers

CHICAGO — State Rep. La Shawn Ford, D-Chicago, is hosting a roundtable discussion with active and retired law enforcement officers on city and statewide efforts to improve public safety and build trust between law enforcement and the community. Ford will be joined by retired police officer and former state Rep. Eddie Winters.

“As the chair of the Public Safety and Violence Prevention Task Force, I know that any successful approach to public safety must consider the input of our partners in law enforcement,” Ford said. “Together we will work toward actionable solutions to the public safety issues faced by our state and our communities.”

The event will take place on Aug. 28 at 1:30 at Gino & Marty's at 844 W. Randolph Street in Chicago. Ford and Winters will be available to answer questions from the press at the same location at 1 p.m.

“I look forward to participating in this roundtable, which I am confident will lead to better cooperation and collaboration between law enforcement and elected officials when it comes to making our communities safer for everyone,” Winters said. “As someone with experience both as a police officer and a legislator, I know that firsthand knowledge is a valuable resource in crafting effective policy.”

For more information, please contact Ford’s office at or 773-416-4663.


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