Young Women Energized STEM Conference
Houston-area female high school students are invited to attend this exciting event from 9 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. on Oct. 8. Join in to learn about STEM careers, win prizes and learn about scholarships.
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Scholarships for Female Students
Get a full list of scholarships women pursuing college degrees can apply for right now.
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Middle School Math Contests
Math Counts is now accepting registrations for two exciting opportunities for middle schoolers. The national competition series builds problem-solving skills through fun events. The video challenge asks students to solve a math problem in a real-life scenario.
Learn more and register here
Top 20 STEM Scholarships
Learn about STEM scholarships for the upcoming school year, including those that require no essay and awards designed for Black students.
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Free Science Webinars for High School Students
These engaging biology, chemistry, earth science, and physics lessons cover high-interest topics – like Covid-19, extraterrestrials, and evolution.
Register here