Forest Lakes Community Newsletter



Keeping in the Loop


DUES As stated in previous newsletters, there has been an increase in dues for 2025. Dues are now $333.00 per quarter/$1332.00 annually.  If you pay automatically through your bank, please don’t forget to update the amount. If you pay through Klik ‘n Pay, the payment should automatically update unless you’ve put a cap on the amount that can be withdrawn. Please contact the FLCA office should you have questions.  Coupon books should have been received by all residents (unless you are signed up for Klik N Pay [you will not receive a coupon book]). If you have not received a booklet and want one, please contact the FLCA office.

ANNUAL MEETING – The 2025 Annual Meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 22nd at the Forest Lakes Poolhouse. All Forest Lakes homeowners are invited to attend and should have received annual meeting packets in the mail.  In case of inclement weather, the meeting will be on January 29th, 6:00pm, in the Poolhouse.

Whether or not you plan to come to the meeting (and we hope you do!) please remember to send your ballot in early in order to establish a quorum. If a quorum is not established, we’ll have to re-send out all information which costs the homeowner’s association money!

Resident Reminders

  • Please remember Christmas decorations need to be down by January 14th!
  • Christmas tree pick up will be TUESDAY JAN 14th. Please put your trees out with your trash for Tuesday pickup. If your neighborhood trees are not picked up on Tuesday, they will be picked up on Wednesday (do not wait and put your tree out on Wednesday though!!) Have your tree cut into 5’ sections and place on curb. All ornaments, lights and decorations must be removed. Any tree left out after this date will be charged extra for pick up. 
  • If you're using a tarp in your backyard to cover something, opt for a brown one instead of blue, white, or clear. Brown tarps blend better with the natural surroundings and create a more visually appealing look.

Thank you for helping keep our neighborhood looking its best!

Hardy Men Wanted

Men looking for camaraderie and fitness, join the free men's workout group that meets on Mondays and Thursday from 5:30-6:15 am at Hollymead Elementary. We're part of a national movement called F3. Workouts are free, outside (regardless of weather) and accessible to men of all fitness levels. We've been at it for 6+ years and have 25+ guys. Questions?, or (434) 409-0257

Forest Lakes is Being Invaded! Help Wanted

Invasive plant species are rapidly gaining a foothold in Forest Lakes common and wooded areas. These invasives include, but are not limited to, Autumn Olive, Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus), Asiatic/Oriental Bittersweet, Japanese Honeysuckle, and English Ivy. If not managed, these aggressive vines and bushes quickly crowd out, smother, and pull down native trees and other native species. Control measures include pulling/digging up roots, cutting vines at the ground (shorter term measure to save trees), and herbicide applied to stump cuts. For a few years, I’ve worked to help control these invasive species, but more help is needed. The best time to act is now, before the problem gets beyond our control and our beautiful and diverse wooded areas are overtaken and turn into a mat of smothering vines, as has happened in other areas of Charlottesville (along the 250 bypass near Ivy, along John Warner Parkway, etc.). Also, early winter is a great time to control vines and other species. The excellent local non-profit Blue Ridge Prism ( has information on these species and control measures, along with information on invasive weeds, such as Lesser Celandine and Japanese Stiltgrass, that are also gaining ground in Forest Lakes. If you can help, please contact John Oliver at Thanks. John Oliver

SNOW - Will it or Won't It??

As most of you know, snow/icy precipitation is forecasted for late Sunday into Monday in our area. As with all winter weather forecasts, please try not to park your car on the street or cul de sacs to make way for snowplows if they need to come through. HERE is a VDOT FAQ sheet regarding roads and snow.



*Winter programs

Visit the Forest Lakes website for the winter class schedule. 

Link:  Amenities | Forest Lakes

If you are interested in receiving my weekly emails for winter tennis and pickleball, please let me know! You will not receive any emails about classes or anything for January or February if you do not. 

*Adult tennis news 

USTA tennis teams are forming for the spring. 

CAPTAINS AND PLAYERS MEETING: Saturday, January 11 at 10 am in the Pavilion. 

If you are interested in playing and/or being a Forest Lakes team captain, please email me ASAP and come to this meeting!. I will send another reminder to all captains. Meeting will last one hour, but I will stay around and help everyone and answer questions. This is for anyone and everyone who plays. Really hope to see you!


We still have our Wilson Ultra, Blade, and Clash racquets to check out, and now you can try the RF 01 Pro Staff and RF 01 Pro Staff Team racquets. Additionally, have grips and new dampeners. Come check it out.

Coming soon: Wilson Pickleball paddles

Note: I can order any product you are interested in even though I may not have it displayed in the pro shop. Come see me/make an appointment. 

*North courts update

Water has been shut off for the winter. While you can still play, I would recommend coming to our south courts first, of course. If you do play at North, please book courts 3-6 only and use the green aussie sweep to groom when finished. We have taken the steel brushes off all courts as well as all the line sweeps, I will handle this when necessary. 

NOTE for all players: Please clean up your court when finished. Pick up your personal items, any and all balls, and all garbage. 


PLEASE, book your court if you plan to play (do not just show up if you can help it). AND, please CANCEL your court if you are not coming to play. If you need help, email me and I will take care of it. If you need an account, email me or email Tamera/Grace at the FLCA office directly. 

*Coming soon to the website:




Rob Johnston

Director of Racquets Forest Lakes Community Association

Johnston Tennis Academy

(434) 974-5567

JANUARY Dates to Remember

Jan 7 Albemarle County Schools back in session

Jan 20 Martin Luther King Day (FLCA Office is closed)

Jan 22 FLCA Annual Meeting, 6:00pm, Poolhouse


The next regular FLCA Board meeting will be Wednesday, February 26th at 6:00pm in the Pavilion. The January meeting is our Annual Meeting on Jan 22, 6:00pm, Poolhouse.

  • Need a babysitter or petsitter list? Call the FLCA office. Want to be on the list? Call the office! We need snow shovelers too!


"The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot." Michael Altshuler, Author

Nola the Office Dog is ready for some snow!! How about you?