Industry Insider Newsletter
September 2019

JDI round-table on manufacturing hears from leading experts and government
Wood Matters Blog

Read Forest NB's monthly opinion piece

State of the Sector Breakfast Presentations

In celebration of National Forest Week, Forest NB hosted a series of breakfast presentations to local chambers of commerce. The Campbellton, Chaleur and Miramichi Chambers hosted Forest NB executive director Mike Legere as he presented on the state of the forestry sector.

Over 65 business owners attended and were impressed with the local contributions the forest sector made to their business community. "In Restigouche County alone over two thirds of full time equivalent jobs are related to the forestry sector," Legere said to the full room of chamber members in Campbellton.

Miramichi Chamber members were curious about future opportunities. Although a return to the days when the Miramichi was a dominant forestry presence in Atlantic Canada is unlikely near term, Legere mentioned that opportunities exist in an ever expanding market that is demanding more packaging, construction and bio-energy products derived from renewable sources like wood and that the industry on the river could see developments move forward like the proposed wood pellet plant in addition to existing facilities Arbec and Fornebu Lumber.

Forest NB is proposing three more chamber presentations before the end of the year and is open to any chambers looking for a sponsored lunch and learn or breakfast presentation on the industry. For further information contact [email protected]
Campbellton Chamber of Commerce and
  Chaleur Chamber of Commerce

Miramichi Chamber of Commerce

ONB Offers Programs To Help Business Innovate
Kudos to ONB business development executive Chris Legacy for attending our Chaleur Chamber presentation. Here is some insight from our talk with Chris following breakfast:

ONB offers a variety of programs aimed to help business in NB to grow.

Their goal is to promote economic growth in the province. Most projects that qualify for ONB financial support aim to achieve one or more of the following:
  • create/maintain employment
  • increase productivity
  • increase export capabilities
  • reduce imports
  • innovate
  • and add strength to the existing supply-chain. 

For more information on the programs, click here.