Industry Insider Newsletter
November 2021
Forestry’s future leaders: meet Jessica Prior
Congratulations to Jessica Prior, who was highlighted in CFI's Top 10 under 40. Jessica works for AV Group NB, in Nackawic New Brunswick, as an assistant forester.
Since Jessica joined AV Group in 2017, she has progressively taken on more responsibility each season and developed into a leader, says Conway Elkins, AV Group’s woodlands manager. She has worked as a scaler, a harvesting supervisor, silviculture supervisor, and now an assistant forester. Jessica shows lots of initiative and leadership and we are excited to see how her leadership will help our sector.

FPAC Create Indigenous Cultural Awareness Training Videos

Forest Products Association of Canada (FPAC) now offers a series of educational videos on First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples – the three Indigenous groups recognized in the Canadian constitution. The videos present defining moments that have helped to shape the history of Indigenous Peoples, and the dominion of Canada. They also help demystify some of the legal issues surrounding the Canadian Constitution, the Indian Act, historical and modern treaties, recent rulings by the Supreme Court of Canada, and what they mean in practical terms.

Videos could be shared on social media or be added to your workplace training material.

Forest NB's newest blog is now available

Green Jobs Available Funding
- Project Learning Tree

Lots of resources are available through project Learning Tree (PLT) that are geared to help young people get experience in the forest sector and give employers access to funding.
 Green Jobs Funding – Funding available for employers providing green jobs for youth under 30 (starting after April 1, 2021). They can apply directly via the link below, or you are welcome to send any employers our way and we can work with them to see if they are eligible.