PiiMega Adds Forest2Market Data Export Module to PiiMega® ForestPro and TimberPro
By Forest2Market
Independent sawmills using both Forest2Market’s delivered wood price benchmark service and PiiMega’s logistics and harvesting management (ForestPro) or sawmill operations ERP (TimberPro) software can now use the Forest2Market data export module to submit data directly to the Baltic Rim Benchmark service.
US South Timber Prices by Region: November/December 2016
By Joe Clark
There was little movement in stumpage / timber prices during November/December. There were both price increases and drops, but none of these changes were significant. On a Southwide basis, pine chip-n-saw and hardwood sawtimber increased in price (less than 1 percent) during November/December. Pine sawtimber, pine pulpwood and hardwood pulpwood dropped modestly in price during the two-month period.
Residues Becoming a Problem for Northeastern Mills
By Eric Kingsley
If you can’t move chips, you can’t make lumber. Sometimes we forget that when a sawmill buys logs (cylinders) and sells lumber (rectangles), everything that didn’t become a board has to go somewhere. While mills have spent significantly on technology to reduce residues, there simply isn’t a way to stop sawmills from turning out chips, sawdust and bark.
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Latvia’s Vibrant Forest Industry Part I: Timber Supply & Investment
By John Greene
Last month, the USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service published a detailed report through its Global Agricultural Information Network (GAIN) on the forestry sector and forest products industry in Latvia. As a country with vast acres of dense timberland and a vibrant forest products industry, forestry is a major contributor to the country’s export economy; in 2015 alone, Latvia exported over $2 billion worth of forest industry products. As Scandinavian and Baltic countries continue to competitively access more foreign markets, Latvia’s forest products industry is positioned for growth.
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Latvia’s Vibrant Forest Industry Part II: Imports & Exports
By John Greene
Last month, the USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service published a
detailed report through its Global Agricultural Information Network (GAIN) on the forestry sector and forest products industry in Latvia. As a country with vast acres of dense timberland and a vibrant forest products industry, forestry is a major contributor to the country’s export economy; in 2015 alone, Latvia exported over $2 billion worth of forest industry products. As Scandinavian and Baltic countries continue to competitively access more foreign markets, Latvia’s forest products industry is positioned for growth.
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Southern Yellow Pine Lumber Prices Dip in January ‘17
By John Greene
The composite southern yellow pine lumber price continued to inch downward during the first month of 2017; week 4’s price dipped to the $370/mbf mark. As noted in the chart below, January prices have either been flat or decreased during three of the last five years before inventory building typically begins and prices rise in the early spring.
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Rising Fiber Costs Threaten Russian Pulp & Paper Industry
By Vasylysa Hänninen
The Russian Pulp & Paper (P&P) sector is export-oriented, and Russian producers compete with other long-fiber pulp and paper product producers in global markets. Due to the recent depreciation of the local currency (ruble), Russian producers have a reprieve; among the lowest cost producers in the world, they are currently enjoying high margins. This situation is temporary, however. As the ruble strengthens, fiber prices will increase and when this happens, knowledge of real-world market wood fiber costs will be crucial for Russian P&P products to retain a competitive edge on the global market. As a hedge, producers will need to know their domestic and international markets. Forest2Market’s Baltic Rim benchmark provides this data, helping producers identify where their current wood fiber costs are in comparison to their local and global competitors and, most importantly, where they have room for improvement and increased profitability.
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2016 Housing Starts: Strongest Year since 2007 but Challenges Remain
By John Greene
Following a
drop in activity in November, US housing starts increased sharply in December helping the index to hit its highest level in nine years. An estimated 1.17 million housing units were started in 2016—a nearly 5 percent increase over 2015—making it the strongest year since 2007. However, there was a continued divergence in the
types of residential buildings under construction; single-family starts were up 9.3 percent last year, but multifamily units fell 3.1 percent. A similar pattern was seen in permits data.
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Forest Industry Performance: December 2016
Total industrial production (IP) declined 0.4 percent in November (-0.6 percent YoY) after edging up 0.1 percent in October (Table 3). Manufacturing output (NAICS basis) was unchanged (+0.4 percent YoY). Meanwhile, new orders decreased 2.4 percent (but +1.2 percent YoY). Business investment spending was also mixed: rising by 0.9 percent MoM, but -1.5 percent YoY. Business spending has contracted on a YoY basis during all but two months since January 2015.
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Greenpeace Tactics Backfire despite "Surreal" Media Environment
By John Greene
We have heard a lot about “fake news” and “alternate facts” in recent months. The sense of relativism that is driving the ideological schism in the Western world has reached such a level that one must question whether media objectivity actually exists anymore. To point, Merriam-Webster’s word of the year for 2016 was “surreal,” defined as being “marked by the intense irrational reality of a dream.” And Oxford Dictionaries declared “post-truth” as its word of the year, defined as “Relating to or denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief.”
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