In Memoriam There is a memorial service for DCPC member Ralph Quackenbush tomorrow, January 18, at 2:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary. It is followed by a reception in the Congregation House. Please continue to keep Carol and all of Ralph's family in your prayers. |
This Sunday
This Sunday is the Second Sunday after Epiphany. Robert Alexander will be preaching his sermon titled "Is This Our Concern," based on John 2:1-11.
We will celebrate the baptism of Scottie David Dudley, son of Mac and Lexi Dudley, at the 11:00 service.
The music is proved by David Brinson, Sarah Allred, the 9:45 Music Team and the Geneva and Chancel choirs.
The service is in person in the Sanctuary, as well as live-streamed to Facebook and YouTube. It is also broadcast live on WDAV (89.9 or Free childcare is provided for all services.
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Adult and Children's Sunday School start at 9:45 am.
This Sunday's Adult Sunday School
Connections Class – meets in the Congregation House with the Covenant Class this week.
Covenant Class meets in Congregation House ABC – Rabbi Becca Diamond, co-rabbi at Temple Kol Tivkah, Davidson teaches on the exchange of letters between George Washington and the Jews of Newport, Rhode Island in 1790. It touches on antisemitism, the history of Jews in America, and the responsibilities of citizens in a democracy.
Jubilee Class meets Room 216 where Matt Samson will take up thoughts and discussion about Monday’s presidential transition in Washington and Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Maloney Class meets in Room 215 – Deborah Conner teaches on The Lord’s Throne Is Established, Psalm 103.
Pines Class meets in the Davidson Room on the Pines campus. Bill Cockrill teaches on The Lord’s Throne Is Established, Psalm 103.
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Thank You!
Thank you to everyone who made a financial gift to support ministry at DCPC last year. Thanks to your generosity, which included an increase in giving to DCPC over 2023, neighbors were housed and fed and children and youth were welcomed, nurtured and encouraged. This was true as far away as Kenya and as close as our DCPC classrooms. We'll have more details at our annual meeting but in the meantime, thank you!
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Supporting 2025 Ministry
Thank you to the 312 households who have made a pledge to financially support our 2025 ministries. Your impact will be more than you can imagine and part of God’s countless gifts of love. Thank you!
If you have yet to make your pledge, it is not too late! In fact, a pledge in the next few days will help us as we finalized our ministry commitments for 2025 with a new budget. Your pledge might be the one that strengthens ministry as we seek to share God's countless gifts of love in 2025. You can go to for find a pledge card in the Narthex or Main Office. Or you can click on the button immediately below. Again, thank you to everyone making a commitment to support our ministries in 2025.
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The church office will be
closed January 20th
in observance of
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
Confirmation Project Update
Last week we reported back about the blankets one of our confirmands took to the NC mountains. This update is closer to home.
One of our recent confirmands, Sawyer, conducted a coat drive this fall. He collected over 50 coats for those in need of more warmth this winter. Don't worry- you didn't miss it in our emails. He conducted it among friends and neighbors.
We are grateful for all of our confirmands who are living into the call of Matthew 25 to love neighbors as Jesus wants us to.
Youth Ministry
Youth Lock-Ins – it’s time to register for the February lock-ins!
DCPC Youth are locking themselves in the church for the night.
Middle schoolers are first. Meet in the Main Building on Friday night February 7th at 7:00 p.m. for a night of games, food and fun. We finish at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday at the Congregation House after serving breakfast to our neighbors at Room in the Inn. Register here or with the QR code above.
High schoolers are next. We start Saturday night February 8th at 7:00 p.m. in the Youth Lounge and finish at 9:30 a.m. Sunday after collecting food for Souper Bowl of Caring at the 8:45 service. Register here or with the QR code above.
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This US Sunday
February 2 is our next “This is US” Sunday. We will have one service of worship at 10:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary. There is childcare for worship, but no Sunday school that day. The annual congregational meeting to receive the annual report and act upon the report of the Elections Committee and any recommended changes to pastors' terms of call is also on Sunday February 2, immediately following 10:00 a.m. worship.
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Scout Sunday
February 9 is Scout Sunday at DCPC. If you are involved in any scouting units, Girls Scouts or Scouting USA, and would like to help in worship, please contact Peter Henry ( We can use ushers, speakers and food collectors for Souper Bowl of Caring.
Guns 2 Gardens Safe-Surrender Event Coming
DCPC's Social Justice Committee is working with several area faith communities to host a safe-surrender event for those who have unwanted guns in their homes. The event will be held at Gethsemane Baptist Church on Monday, February 17th. We need a variety of helpers for the day. Please consider looking at the Signup Genius to see how you can be a part of this special day. CLICK HERE to learn more. Contact Robert at with any questions.
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Consider Being a Mission Liaison
Community and Global Missions at DCPC relies on partnerships and partnerships require people. In a perfect world we would have members connected to and involved with all of our mission partnerships. Mission Liaisons help us stay connected to partners, learn about their news, prayer concerns, needs, etc. and then help communicate that back to our committees and our congregation. Is this something that interests you? Please reach out to Robert Alexander at to learn more about being a Mission Liaison. Visit to connect to our mission info and learn more about our various partners for Community and Global Missions.
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Confirmation Project
Laney Pleasants and Tilly Honeycutt want your crayons! We will take ANY Crayons in ANY shape for the Crayon Initiative. They create new crayons for kids in the hospital out of old crayons. Being a kid in the hospital can be overwhelming and boring, providing free crayons for the kids can provide fun activities and give them some happiness. We also have to pay for shipping, so we will take any donations for this, and any extra money can be donated to the organization as well.
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The Next Session (January 26):
Topic: Biblical view of caregiving, sources of caregiver stress, navigating caregiver stress with the concepts of calm, clean, safe and loved
Speaker: Shelly Sedory, RN, educator from Movement and Memory, Charlotte Neuroscience Foundation.
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We are excited that DCPC has a regular monthly date to serve at Angels and Sparrows Community Table! We are scheduled for the first Tuesday of each month. We are responsible for providing seven volunteers. Please see the date, jobs, and time slots by clicking here, and sign up for what works for you. If you have questions, please contact Holly Frisbie at (336) 918-6351 or
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We partner with Roof Above in Charlotte to host 10 guests every Friday night in the Congregation House. We pick them up in Charlotte and bring them back to a home-cooked meal, warm beds, laundry, breakfast, and a bag lunch. All this plus warm hospitality provided by our members is intended to make for a peaceful night of rest and renewal for our guests. Reach out to Robert Alexander at to learn more.
To learn more about the various opportunities CLICK HERE.
To Fill out a Google Form CLICK HERE.
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Each week a dedicated group of members gathers to pray for the needs of our community and world. You are invited to join in this prayer ministry. We gather on Wednesdays from 11:30- Noon in the DCPC Parlor. If you are interested in the prayer ministry but cannot attend at that time, please reach out to Rachel Walt or Robert Alexander or contact the church office at Make 2025 a year of prayer. Come join us.
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Winter Grief Group
A new, 6 week grief group begins on Monday night, February 10. To sign up, contact Peter Henry ( or call the church office. The group will meet from 7:00- 8:00 p.m. on Monday nights for six weeks.
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