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September 2016
Dairy News
Two Management Practices that Impact Dry Matter Intake in Dairy Cows
I thought about beginning this article with a statement like: "in today's markets..." or "with the recent economic situation in the dairy industry...", but I am not going to. The management practices that I would like to discuss have proven to be a great investment in any economic and market situation in the dairy industry. The last two years have been very difficult to make profits or even stay afloat milking cows.   Continue Reading  
Beef News
Corn Silage Harvest: Setting Yourself up to Succeed in 2017
What is the best way to set yourself up to succeed in 2017? Make great forage in 2016.  Nothing you will do after making corn silage in 2016 will bring you more profitability than focusing on great corn silage today.  Making corn silage is much more than just chopping. Planning for great silage starts today.   Continue Reading
Swine News
Minimizing Heat Stress in Pigs
Managing heat stress is crucial in maximizing swine productivity and production. According to Iowa State University, heat stress causes an estimated $330 million in annual losses to the United States swine industry. During heat stress, the pigs' body experiences an increase in the blood plasma pH and a decrease in intracellular pH. The pig will have a more difficult time fighting off diseases and pathogens.   Continue Reading
$4 off Form-A-Lic Tubs and Also  Be Entered  to Win a $100 Cabela's Gift Card!

Visit your local Form-A-Feed dealer for your coupon and to be entered to win one of five $100 Cabela's Gift Cards!
Save the Date for our 2017 Dairy and Beef Conferences!
2017 Dairy Conference
January 19-20, 2017 
Jackpot Junction - Morton, MN

2017 Beef Conference - New Location!
February 15-16
Grand Falls Casino Resort - Larchwood, IA
Company Updates
Welcome Sara Kleyer to the Form-A-Feed team!
Contact Sara at sarakleyer@formafeed.com
Sara joined the Form-A-Feed team in June 2016 as a Livestock Records Specialist.  Growing up on a farm in Carmel, Iowa, Sara's family farmed crops and raised Holstein steers. Sara graduated from South Dakota State University with an animal science degree and an equine minor.  During that time she worked at the SDSU Cow Calf Unit and learned about the cow/calf side of the industry. In Sara's new role at Form-A-Feed, she wishes to help producers improve their herds by providing accurate information on how their operation is performing based on data. 

 Form-A-Feed's mission is to feed the world through professionalism, quality products and innovative solutions.


For over 40 years, Form-A-Feed has been committed to serving the livestock industry with quality products and customized services.  Originated as a family-owned business, currently in its 3rd generation, we are now an employee-owned company (ESOP) with over 150 employees.  Form-A-Feed offers branded-name, specialty, private-label and custom-formulated products directly and through a network of joint ventures in the U.S. and international markets.  Our product formulations are designed to enhance livestock performance and health, and improve food safety. 

Form-A-Feed, Inc. |  www.formafeed.com | 320.562.2413

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