NEW ORLEANS, LA - Former interim New Orleans At-Large City Councilmember Donna Glapion qualified to run for Clerk of New Orleans First City Court on Friday.
“During my career, I have worked with some of the most hardworking, dynamic, and resourceful women in this city. I want to continue the legacy of women who not only want change, they demand change in this city, and who provide an example to others of what it is to be giving, humble, and strong,” said Glapion. “That is why I am running for Clerk of 1st City Court. It’s time to choose leadership we can depend on.”
Glapion has served as Chief Deputy in the Orleans Parish 2nd City Court Clerk’s Office, Interim Councilmember At-Large on the New Orleans City Council, Co-Owner and Operations Manager at Funkshuns, LLC, Program Manager at Share Our Strength/No Kid Hungry, Operations Manager at William J. Fischer Accelerated Academy, Tulane University Medical School Administrator in the Department of Medicine, and as an Administrative Aide to New Orleans City Councilmember At-Large Dorothy Mae Taylor.