December 2022

Volunteers serving America’s communities, saving lives, and shaping futures.
Inside This Issue: Hawaii Wing's emergency response to active volcano, Michigan Wing highlights glider flights, Florida Wing member establishes cadet flight scholarships, end-of-year giving shapes futures, CAP Foundation announces new trustee, Ray Foundation propels cadet dreams, Alumni Spotlight, Final Salute, and more.
In the Field:
Hawaii Wing Provides Aerial View,
Photos of Mauna Loa Eruption
The Hawaii Wing flew a U.S. Geological Survey volcanologist over newly erupted Mauna Loa early Nov. 28 while also providing photos of lava flows and other activity stemming from the first eruption of the world’s largest active volcano since 1984. 

Luke Meyers, the state’s Emergency Management Agency administrator, flew with CAP on Dec. 1. “This was a good opportunity to see the hazards and threats from the Mauna Loa eruption,” Meyers said. “It really gave ...”
Michigan Wing Highlights Glider Program
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True Grit: Throughout Cancer Fight, North Carolina Cadet 'Keeps Putting Others Ahead of Myself'
“Courage” is an overworked noun that lazy sportscasters and “happy talk” TV morning news anchors have beaten into submission to the point that it doesn’t effectively conjure the fortitude that wells inside some people — people like Cadet 1st Lt. Ally Davis of the North Carolina Wing's Union County Composite Squadron.

She was drawn to CAP, Davis said, out of a desire to be active and serve her community. “Before I wanted to become a nurse, I wanted to..."
You Can Shape a Future for a Cadet or Child
This Holiday Season

You make a difference! Support CAP to help save lives and shape futures. We count on donations to support our cadets and activities throughout the year. Here’s how you can help shape futures this holiday season:

$35 supports a teacher in our aerospace education program
$50 pays for schoolchildren to take part in aerospace education
$125 provides one hour of flying time for a cadet
$250 funds a cadet encampment scholarship
$500 funds an aerospace education classroom
$1,000+ provides a cadet academic or flight scholarship
Florida Wing's Brinkman Establishes Cadet Flight Scholarship
"Fulfilling dreams...for decades to come."
From the first time he heard about CAP, Richard Brinkman was hooked. He was 13 and a junior high school student in Orlando, Florida, when he and two buddies heard a presentation about CAP and decided to join. Brinkman’s mother was a single mom and signed the papers granting permission. He credits his CAP mentors with ....
Civil Air Patrol Foundation Welcomes Newest Trustee
Lt. Col. Carlos Zendejas, a Civil Air Patrol member since 2015 and a longtime leader in the aviation community, is the newest member of the CAP Foundation board of trustees.
Sky's the Limit: Ray Foundation
Supports Aspiring Cadet Wings Pilots
"It means I am not just some teenager who had dreams of flying; I am actually a pilot."
Cadet 1st Lt. Andrew Z. Green, pictured above, earned his wings through funding from the Ray Foundation. He was the 190th cadet graduate to receive his private pilot certificate through CAP’s Cadet Wings program.
CAP's Cadet Wings program is moving onward and upward at full throttle.

The ceiling seems unlimited for the U.S. Air Force-funded program, which helps cadets of every gender, race, economic, or ethnic background earn their private pilot certificate.
The goal is to train new pilots and help diversify America’s pilot corps, which is weathering a shortage in its ranks.

And thanks to a grant from the Naples, Florida-based Ray Foundation Inc., Cadet Wings has cracked the 200-pilot threshold. Of the 213 cadets who have earned...
Alumni Spotlight

Lawrence Barrett
Former CAP Cadet—Hawaii Wing
Why did you join Civil Air Patrol?
My CAP life is a humorous story, and I’m being completely transparent here. I joined CAP because some of my friends were trying to fill some recruitment quotas. It was fun with them, but they all left a couple of years later, and I still hadn't really “joined” CAP yet - not until I started doing the extracurricular and emergency services that CAP provided. I especially loved the fact that in our squadron, if a cadet had an idea, they were given a lot of leeway and control over the project. For example, one of my cadet officers wanted to put us through a mock PT camp at altitude. He went ahead and secured most of the plan and executed the mission that he sent out to complete. It was after that experience I had the realization of how much we can impact other people with this amount of freedom that I truly “joined” Civil Air Patrol.
What is your current career?
My current career path is 13N, otherwise known as Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles, or Missiles for short. Now I know what some of you might be thinking, “You didn’t want to become a pilot?” The answer is, “Yes, I want to serve in the military in something other than flying.” Now, it’s not because there is a fear of flight, but in fact, I wanted to give myself more time to enroll in more schooling and enter into my desired Air Force Specialty Code) which is Foreign Area Officer (FAO). As an FAO I would travel to different counties and fulfill my role in the Air Force, if it is an interpreter for the day, a diplomatic envoy, or someone that needs to be deployed in-country for intel collection.
What specific lesson/experience from CAP has influenced your career or life?
CAP training is still to this day one of the most important points in my life for my personal development. Being placed in an unfamiliar environment with strange new faces, loud voices, and a lot of, “4-3-2-1, NOT FAST ENOUGH.” Everything about training was something that I actually enjoyed and have gained a great load of self-respect and self-confidence because of it. After CAP training, I have gone through two other basics, and it was mostly pure joy because of the expectation that CAP was able to give me about what basics should look like. Then in a cadre, what they might be thinking and how I should be trained by them. And this is a hot take on my part: Every person should go through a high-stress, low- threat environment that CAP training offers; it really develops people or shows them who they are under stress without having to risk something very important to them.
What else should we know about you?
I think the last thing that you should know about me is that I never expected to come to the Air Force Academy in the first place. In fact, the man standing next to me in the CAP picture, Regan Leslie, dared me to apply to the Air Force Academy. And on that dare, I was able to go to the USAFA Prep School, whereas he was able to attend the Naval Academy Prep School. We finished CAP together as best friends and will be graduating from our nation's military academies as comrades in arms. The point is, CAP builds lifelong relationships if a person allows it into their life.

This is just my story. I have met my CAP basic cadre at the academy, those that remember me as the scariest cadre member during their basic, and other friends that are connected to CAP in one way or another. It’s a wonderful program that exposes young adults to the Air Force.
Year-end is here...
Discover tax-savvy ways to give and save
Year-end is right around the corner, along with the giving season. If you’re hoping to make a positive impact on our mission, CAP is here to provide two tax-savvy options:

Donating your appreciated stocks or giving from your IRA. These resources are secure and take less than 10 minutes to complete.

Not only will your gift help support cadet scholarships and provide aerospace education opportunities to school-aged children and other program areas as needed, but also IRA and stock giving often come with great personal tax benefits that may help your finances.
*Note: Last day for IRA QCD Gifts to be deposited by CAP for this tax year is Dec 30.
Remembering Those Who Have Passed
CAP offers friends and family the ability to make gifts in memory or honor of someone special. Tribute/memorial gifts made through the link below are listed in each issue of Civil Air Patrol Volunteer.
Ask for Alumni & Friends CAP Gear for the Holidays
Civil Air Patrol - Development
Kristina E. Jones, M.A., CFRE, Chief of Philanthropy
Gloria Negrete, Deputy Chief of Philanthropy
Col. John M. Knowles, Deputy Chief of Alumni Relations
Donna Bass Maraman, Development and Donor Communications Manager
Rebecca Armstrong, Donor Database Specialist

(334) 953-9003 Direct
(833) IAM-4CAP Toll Free
Interested in talking about the legacy you want to leave?
Contact Kristina Jones, Chief of Philanthropy, at [email protected]
More Ways to Support Civil Air Patrol