The new Biden team is moving quickly to make significant changes to federal workplace laws, regulations, and policies, and as a result, it is critical that employers stay on top of these developments.

In order to facilitate keeping our clients abreast of the fast-changing events, FortneyScott has updated The DC Insider Report - Employers Prepare for Change as the Biden-Harris Administration Begins with this past week’s changes that will significantly affect the workplace.

FortneyScott will continue to update The DC Insider Report as necessary so that employers can fully align their compliance efforts with the ever-changing requirements.

Please forward this information to those in your organization who are addressing these developments.

If you want more information about how these changes affect your company, please contact your FortneyScott attorney or email us at [email protected].
FortneyScott is a woman-owned, Washington, DC law firm counseling and advising clients on the full spectrum of workplace-related matters. The firm offers clients unparalleled experience and expertise by its attorneys. FortneyScott represents clients in agency enforcement matters and rulemakings, administrative hearing, and litigation matters, including mediation and arbitration.
This update is for general information purposes only and is not intended to provide legal counsel or advice. Employers should retain
experienced legal counsel to obtain advice about the effects of these developments on their particular circumstances.