Thursday February 11, 2021 Membership Meeting,
State of the Village with Mayor Marc Samwick. Register here.
Sunday March 7, 2021 Sunday Speaker Series, Speaker Pending
Thursday March 18, 2021 Membership Program,
County Board of Legislators with Hon. Ben Boykin. Register here.
All Forum meetings and events will take place over Zoom beginning at 8:00 pm* until further notice, a virtual format that keeps us well connected with each other on the issues of importance to our community. Registration required, log in information will be made available.
We are grateful for your support. You can make a donation
online now, which is tax-deductible over and above your membership dues. Any amount is greatly appreciated because your donations support our educational programming and the important advocacy of our committees to promote civic dialogue on the issues that directly affect you and village life.
We encourage every Scarsdale Forum member to engage with and keep informed about the work of our committees. By doing so you help us advocate for safer village streets. You help us encourage wider participation of all stakeholders in decision making for our schools. You help us prepare the Village for better climate and energy conservation and resilience. You help us re-imagine a more vibrant Village Center and quality of life. And you help us to critically review Village and County budgets.
We are grateful to our members and the public, and thank you for all you do to support the work of the Scarsdale Forum.