Scarsdale Forum Inc.
Scarsdale Forum Inc. is the 501(c)(3) charitable organization dedicated to community education through discussion and analysis of issues relevant to Scarsdale residents. Since 1904, Scarsdale Forum has contributed meaningfully to village affairs through written reports, prominent speaker programs, social gatherings and other public events. Membership is available to all Scarsdale and Mamaroneck Strip residents, regardless of citizenship status. The Forum Focus newsletter is distributed to Scarsdale Forum members generally during the first week of each month. Pertinent information should be sent to one week prior to publication to be included in the coming issue.
Annual Membership RENEWAL Start Date: was May 1, 2023
All memberships run from May 1st of each year and end on April 30th of the following year. Your annual $50 individual membership fee is tax-deductible.
You may pay in two ways:
Online by credit card or PayPal by "joining" or "renewing"
- Payment may also be made by check payable to Scarsdale Forum, Inc. mailed to Scarsdale Forum, P.O. Box 86, Scarsdale, New York 10583.
You are also invited to make a tax-deductible gift to the Scarsdale Forum. Please contact the Forum’s Treasurer, Matt Martin, at (917) 697-2747 or by email at if you have any questions.
Renewing or lapsed members may sign up and pay here:
Residents who wish to join should go here:
Your support of the activities of the Forum is greatly appreciated!
2023-2024 Officers
Sarah Bell, President
Omer Wiczyk, First Vice President
Jeanne-Marie Castiello, Vice President
Matthew Martin, Treasurer
Christine Weston - Secretary
2023-2024 Committee Chairs
Communications - Madelaine Eppenstein & David Fenigstein
County Fiscal Affairs - Tim Foley
Downtown Revitalization - Susan Douglass
Education - Barry Meiselman & Art Rublin & Christine Weston
Hospitality & Special Events - BK Munguia & Kristen Zakierski
Membership - Jeanne-Marie Castiello
Municipal Services - Madelaine Eppenstein
Program and Speaker Series - Eli Mattioli & BK Munguia
Parks - Erin Rudensky
Policy - Jonathan Mark
Recreation - Omer Wiczyk
Sustainability - Darlene LeFrancois Haber
Zoning and Planning - Jill Spielberg
2024 Sylvia T. Dundon, Elaine Weir, Rob Mawson
2025 Purnima Srivastava, Peri Zelig, Han Zhou
2026 Alexandra Vargo, Seth Ross, Dan Kovel