Message to Our Membership
Dear Members,
Welcome to the 2022-2023 session of the Scarsdale Forum! We value your membership and encourage your involvement in our current and ongoing projects and committees of interest to you.
For example, if you have concerns or want improvements in safety (including cars speeding through town), other village services such as leaf collection, or amenities that are or could be offered to our residents, join the Municipal Services group. If you wish to monitor Village expenditures and projects including the pool complex, the purchase of new equipment, or new hires, join the Scarsdale Fiscal Affairs group. If your interest is the state of the Village Center and you want to weigh in on new projects, development, parking, and the use of downtown green spaces, join the Downtown Revitalization group. If you want the Village to further its environmental and climate initiatives, join the Sustainability group. Members interested in promoting interesting speakers and programs for the community may also join the Program planning group. And if you are interested in the major "industry" of Scarsdale -- education, then join the Education committee.
These are just some of the possibilities. The Scarsdale Forum's slogan is "Your Community Voice" and the operative word is "Your." We need your involvement to help create the most dynamic and impactful results for the betterment of our community. Join us as we meet throughout the summer to move our projects forward.
We hope to see you soon at our meetings and events!
All best wishes,
Notes from the Board of Directors
Scarsdale Forum is planning our Fall, Winter, and Spring Calendar and will be inaugurating a new OCTOBERFEST gathering at the historic Scarsdale Woman's Club in October 2022, 37 Drake Road. More information to follow. Bring your friends and neighbors to learn about and join the Forum.
Board positions for the coming year and committee chair appointments have been approved. Now is an excellent time to join any group or groups working on the topics that most interest you. To learn more about joining our committees contact New committee members are welcome – no prior experience with any topic is required:
Executive Committee:
Susan Douglass, President
Sarah Bell, Vice President
Alexandra Tagami Vargo, Secretary
Matthew Martin, Treasurer
Eli Mattioli, Immediate Past President
Madelaine Eppenstein
Anne Hintermeister
Darlene LeFrancois Haber
Jon Mark
2023 - Marcy Berman Goldstein, Christian Callaghan
2024 - Venu Angara, Sylvia T. Dundon, Elaine Weir
2025 - Purnima Srivastava, Peri Zelig, Han Zhou
Committee Chairs:
Audit -- Thomas Giordano
Communications -- Madelaine Eppenstein
County Fiscal Affairs -- Timothy Foley
Development -- Barry Meiselman, Edward A. Morgan
Downtown Revitalization -- Susan Douglass
Education -- Barry Meiselman
Hospitality -- B. Kathleen Munguia
Investment -- Matthew Martin
Membership -- Sarah Bell, Christine Weston
Municipal Services -- Madelaine Eppenstein
Policy -- Eric Jaffe, Jon Mark
Programs -- Eli Mattioli
Recreation -- Erin Rudensky
Scarsdale Electoral Process -- Eli Mattioli
Scarsdale Fiscal Affairs -- Anne Hintermeister
Special Events -- Lena Crandall
Sustainability -- Darlene Le Francois Haber
Zoning and Planning -- David Fenigstein
Save the Date: Fall public events for members, friends and neighbors:
The next Membership Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, October 13, 2022 at 8:00 pm.
The next Sunday Speaker program is scheduled for Sunday October 16, 2021 at 3:00 pm.
The Committee will be working on the development of a strategic plan, with goals, objectives, and actions designed to ensure that the Forum continues to carry out its mission and purposes well into the future. Forum members interested in participating are welcome to join us, and should contact Committee Co-Chairs Barry Meiselman at and Ed Morgan at
Downtown Revitalization
The group's discussion at its May meeting included a proposal to hold regular Village events throughout summer into fall beginning in 2023, such as a street fair tied to Bicycle Sundays that invites participants to stop in Scarsdale to enjoy Village parks, shops, and restaurants. Although the Village would first have to approve the concept to move forward, Westchester County Executive George Latimer has expressed interest in the county's promotion of such Bicycle Sunday related events in Scarsdale. The Downtown Revitalization Committee will continue to share its ideas for downtown improvements, parking issues and place making in the green spaces with FHI Studio, the consulting firm retained by the Village. The Committee's next meeting is planned for July 14, 2022 at 8 p.m. If you would like to participate please join us. Contact Chair Susan Douglass,
The Education Committee is preparing a report on student mental health challenges. The Committee also plans to explore: civics curriculum as it relates to elections , the process for the search for a new superintendent, and a variety of other issues having an impact on students, teachers, parents, and the Board of Education. See the Committee's seminal Report on collaborative communication among school stakeholders. Contact Chair Barry Meiselman,
The Recreation Committee agenda includes the condition and improvement of Village playing fields and parks, among other issues of importance to the community. The Committee will be participating in the joint committee work on the future of the Pool Complex. Chair Erin Rudensky.
Scarsdale Fiscal Affairs
The SFA Committee will be exploring a multi-committee updated report on leaf collection, which would follow up on the SFA March 2022 budget Report on the Village's Tentative Budget. The Committee will also be participating in a joint committee project on the future of the Pool Complex. Contact Chair Anne Hintermeister,
Municipal Services
The Municipal Services, Recreation, and Scarsdale Fiscal Affairs Committees will be joining forces to study and report on possible alternatives for the Village Pool Complex. Anyone interested in taking part in this joint committee project should contact Municipal Services Chair Madelaine Eppenstein, or Scarsdale Fiscal Affairs Chair Anne Hintermeister. More information about the Village Pool Complex project is included in the Municipal Pool Complex Market Study and Existing Conditions Survey here. The Village press release is here.
Municipal Services members are encouraged to participate in Village Board work sessions and hearings on Scarsdale's Complete Streets plan outlined in the "Village Center Strategic Mobility and Placemaking" RFP . Copies of the Committee's three traffic safety reports were re-submitted to the Village for use in the planning stage of its Complete Streets project (latest report link below).
Municipal Services continues its joint committee follow up on recommendations made in the Report on "Gas Leaf Blowers, Leaf Vacuuming, and Leaf Mulching" and in the most recent Municipal Services Report on traffic safety and implementation of complete streets and safe routes to schools policy and design. The Committee also plans on follow up with the Sustainability group and the Conservation Advisory Council regarding the status of Scarsdale's participation in New York State's Climate Smart Communities program. Contact Chair Madelaine Eppenstein,
The Committee supports initiatives for an environmentally sustainable and healthy environment that provides quality of life for village residents. Recognizing the absolute inter-dependency between the health of our environment and our own health, the Committee continues to support recycling, green energy, storm preparedness, and Scarsdale's Climate Smart Community initiative. Recent work focuses on: landscape management including the promotion of mulch mowing and grass recycling over street leaf pile vacuuming; a total ban on the use of gas blowers and the elimination of non-organic and environmentally harmful pesticide use; and year-round containerized pick-up of yard waste and excess leaves instead of the environmentally counterproductive practice of leaf vacuuming. The collaboration with other Forum committees produced the Report on banning smoking in outdoor village spaces and opting out of retail cannabis dispensaries until state regulations are promulgated and can be assessed. Both initiatives were adopted by the Village Board on December 14, 2021, and the no-smoking local law took effect on January 1, 2022. Contact Chair Darlene Le Francois Haber,
Zoning and Planning
The scope of the Zoning & Planning Committee covers zoning issues generally, focusing on future development. The Committee will be particularly relevant in the context of the "Complete Streets" project being undertaken by the Village and its consultant FHI Studio. Contact Chair David Fenigstein,
Community Events, News & Resources
Thursdays, July 7, 14, 21, 28, August 4, 11
Chase Park in the Village Center
BYO folding chairs or blankets (concert rain cancellations may be posted by 4 pm on Village website. Rain Location: Scarsdale Middle School, 134 Mamaroneck Rd)
BICYCLE SUNDAYS extended: Bronx River Parkway 10 am - 2pm
July 10, 17, 24, 31; Sept. 11, 18 and 25; Oct. 2
Village Board Meetings and Work Sessions: Village Board meetings are regularly open to the public at Village Hall or via Zoom webinar at, or call in using 1-929-436-2866 and entering the Meeting ID 931 8370 3358. The Zoom login uses the same ID. Check the Village Board calendar here.
Scarsdale Forum Inc.
Scarsdale Forum Inc. is the 501(c)(3) charitable organization dedicated to community education through discussion and analysis of issues relevant to Scarsdale residents. Since 1904, Scarsdale Forum has contributed meaningfully to village affairs through written reports, prominent speaker programs, social gatherings and other public events. Membership is available to all Scarsdale and Mamaroneck Strip residents, regardless of citizenship status. The Forum Focus newsletter is distributed to Scarsdale Forum members generally during the first week of each month. Pertinent information should be sent to one week prior to publication to be included in the coming issue. Media Contact: