Message to Our Membership
Dear Members,
The challenges of the past year have greatly influenced our lives, and perspectives on just about everything since last March. Yet the Scarsdale Forum continues to engage in community dialogue to help effect positive change for the benefit of our community, with the participation of our esteemed year end guest speakers: County Executive George Latimer; School Superintendent Thomas Hagerman and Board of Education President Pamela Fuehrer; and our own Assemblywoman, Amy Paulin.
Mayor Marc Samwick's comprehensive State of the Village presentation on February 11 was warmly received by our membership, as were the informative presentations by Village Manager Steve Pappalardo and Deputy Village Manager Rob Cole. We appreciate their leadership, and their acknowledgement of the hard work, thorough analysis, and insightful recommendations of Scarsdale Forum committees.
Following a Scarsdale Forum 117-year tradition, the 2020-2021 Yearbook was mailed to all members. The Yearbook website version is available here.
With sincere hopes for your health and happiness,
Madelaine Eppenstein
2021 Upcoming Meetings and Programs
Sunday March 7, 2021 Sunday Speaker Series
A conversation with Robert Marchant, Author of
Westchester: History of an Iconic Suburb
Moderated by Jordan Copeland
More Information and Registration here
This is our last Sunday Speaker event of the season. Admission is Free, Registration is Required. Sponsored by Scarsdale Forum, League of Women Voters Scarsdale, Scarsdale Historical Society, and Scarsdale Public Library. Registrants will receive an email with the Zoom link one hour before the event on March 7.
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Thursday March 18, 2021 Membership Program
County Board of Legislators Chair, Hon. Ben Boykin
All Forum meetings and events will take place over Zoom beginning at 8:00 pm, a format that keeps us connected with each other on the issues of importance to our community. Registration required, login information will be made available to all who register. If you have any questions Contact If you experience technical difficulties during meetings in progress, try logging in again.
Downtown Revitalization
The Downtown Revitalization Committee tasked a working group to create a proposal for the restoration of Boniface Circle park. The plans include purchasing furniture and landscape plants. The proposal was submitted on February 25, and will be considered by the Village's Downtown Reopening Task Force at its upcoming meeting. Please contact Chair Susan Douglass,
The Education Committee is planning a Zoom meeting with Dr. Edgar McIntosh, the Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment and Ann Marie Nee, Director of the Scarsdale Teachers Institute, to explore curriculum offerings and professional learning opportunities related to major topics that have emerged over the last several years: (1) Civics Education on Election Issues, and (2) Media Literacy, Disinformation and Critical Thinking in Relation to Civic Participation. A panel discussion may inform the Committee on potential ways it can contribute local expertise to support the District on these important and timely topical areas. Community engagement opportunities that were suggested in the Committee's previous report will be reviewed at the Board of Education business meeting scheduled in March.
Fiscal Affairs
FAS Committee members attended Village budget Work Sessions on 2/2, 2/10 and 2/17 and a Briefing Session on 2/24. Members met on 2/22 to begin planning the Committee's report on the 2021/22 Tentative Budget which is due to be filed by 3/19. Members will attend a second Briefing Session on 3/3 about the proposed capital plan and a final Work Session on 3/9. There is still time to join the Committee and weigh in on the budget issues facing the community this year. Please c ontact Chair Anne Hintermeister,
Municipal Services
The Committee is looking forward to attending Village Board Work Sessions on the critically important subject of traffic safety. Please contact Chair Madelaine Eppenstein,
Sustainability, Municipal Services, Climate Resilience
The Sustainability, Municipal Services, and Climate Resilience Committees are finalizing a report to the Village with recommendations on limiting the use of gas leaf blowers by landscapers working in the Village and modernizing leaf collection policy. Contact Climate Resilience Chair Tim Foley,, or Municipal Services Chair Madelaine Eppenstein,, or Sustainability Chair Darlene LeFrancois Haber,
Thursday March 18, 2021
Scarsdale Forum
Public Membership Program
Hon. Ben Boykin, Chair
Westchester County Board of Legislators
Tuesday, March 16, 2021
2021 Scarsdale Municipal General Election
for the offices of Mayor and Three Trustees
See All Instructions for Voting here
(Note: You must be registered to vote by March 5, voting is by absentee ballot or in person at Scarsdale Congregational Church, 1 Heathcote Rd)
Scarsdale Forum Inc.
Scarsdale Forum Inc. is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization dedicated to community education through discussion and analysis of issues relevant to Scarsdale residents. Since 1904, it has contributed meaningfully to village affairs through written reports, public speaker events and committee discussions. Membership is available to all Scarsdale and Mamaroneck Strip residents, regardless of citizenship status.
Forum Focus generally is distributed to Scarsdale Forum members in the first week of each month. Story ideas should be sent to one week prior to be included in the coming issue.
Media Contact
Madelaine Eppenstein