Message to Our Membership | |
Hello Members,
The Forum is ready for spring and an exciting lineup of programming, speakers of note, and committee engagement with the issues that matter, from environmental recommendations on stormwater management and tree preservation to the School District’s “Profile of a SHS Graduate” initiative to foster the skills needed by our students for a fulfilling, productive life. Please save the dates and join us!
Sarah Bell, President
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Save These Dates and Reminders | |
SCARSDALE FORUM ANNUAL MEETING, SAVE THE DATE MAY 23 Special Speakers, at Scarsdale Library 7:00-9:00 PM
All memberships run from May 1st of each year and end on April 30th of the following year. Your annual $50 individual membership fee is tax-deductible.
You may pay in two ways:
Online by credit card or PayPal by "joining" or "renewing"
- Payment may also be made by check payable to Scarsdale Forum, Inc. mailed to Scarsdale Forum, P.O. Box 86, Scarsdale, New York 10583.
You are also invited to make a tax-deductible gift to the Scarsdale Forum. Please contact the Forum’s Treasurer, Matt Martin, at (917) 697-2747 or by email at if you have any questions.
Renewing or lapsed members may sign up and pay here:
Residents who wish to join should go here:
Your support of the activities of the Forum is greatly appreciated!
Sustainability Committee Reminder: The Committee is actively recruiting volunteers to engage in Sunday afternoon invasive vine cutting. Watch for more information soon.
SUNDAY SPEAKER EVENT: Special Appearance June 9, 2024 3:00-5:00 PM at Scarsdale Library: Nicholas D. Kristof, Pulitzer Prize winning author and Op-ed columnist for The New York Times. His latest book, Chasing Hope, will be available for sale by Bronx River Books and signed by the author.
Stay in touch for additional information or changes
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Scarsdale Youth Advisory Council (SFYAC)
Seeking members!
The Forum has created the SFYAC to empower the youth of the Village of Scarsdale to actively participate in community dialogue, to express personal views, and to become involved in addressing the civic issues, choices and solutions that directly impact them. Opportunities for students may include meetings with Village, County, State, and Federal government officials; and will include conversations concerning Village and Scarsdale School District (the “District”) issues; and opportunities to provide feedback concerning Village and District issues. SFYAC members must be Scarsdale residents who are under the age of 18. To join, please submit a short letter explaining interest to
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County Fiscal Affairs
The County Fiscal Affairs Committee released its Report
analyzing the 2024 County budget and its implications for our property taxes. The Committee was represented at the Westchester County Board of Legislators hearing on December 6, 2023 to testify on the findings in our report. If you are interested in being part of our Committee and helping to fine tune our Committee's reports, please contact Chair Tim Foley at
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Downtown Revitalization
The Downtown Revitalization Committee is advancing on several fronts. The Freightway working group, led by Seth Ross, is working on a report addressing proposed uses of the Freightway Garage. Rob Mawson is leading a working group to draft proposals for a Business Improvement District in the downtown. A meeting with Village Trustees to discuss the BID is scheduled for the Village Board’s work session on March 5 at 4:00 pm. We will discuss next steps on these projects and others at our Zoom meeting scheduled for Monday, March 11 at 8:00 pm. For further information or to participate we encourage Forum members to join the Committee and assist with these projects and any others of interest. Contact Chair Susan Douglass,
The Education Committee is excited to announce it will be meeting in March to discuss a draft report on the School District's initiative, "Profile of a SHS Graduate." If you would like to weigh in on this important issue we invite you to review the draft and join the meeting. Please reach out to us if you would like access to the draft: Contact Chairs Barry Meiselman,; Art Rublin,; Christine Weston,
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Municipal Services
See the most recent Joint Report on saving our trees and the environment.
Municipal Services is continuing work on a study of the range of traffic issues on the Post Road that includes the yet to be signaled crosswalk at Edgewood Road (until a signal is installed by New York State); recommendations for improvements to existing signals to help protect pedestrians and prevent logjams along Village Center corridors; and speeding and enforcement, all consistent with recommendations made in the most recent Municipal Services Report on Village-wide traffic safety and implementation of complete streets, Zero Vision, and safe routes to schools policy and design. We look forward to community input. Other follow-up includes collaboration with the Sustainability group and input from the Conservation Advisory Council regarding the status of Scarsdale's participation in New York State's Climate Smart Communities program; further restriction relating to gas leaf blowers and fall leaf collection; and degradation of the Village tree canopy despite Code amendments meant to preserve it. Education of the public on the dangers of widespread pesticide use on private property is another issue of continuing focus together with the Sustainability Committee, in view of the recently amended Village Code's broad pesticide ban on public property. We hope you have an interest in being part of our team. Please contact Chair Madelaine Eppenstein,
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Parks and Recreation
The Parks and Recreation Committee continues to evaluate current conditions and usage of our parks, fields, paths, green spaces and recreational facilities. Forum member and wider community input is welcome. Issues include the Pool Complex project; girls’ athletics participation; pickle ball courts; and a Village initiated field study. Contact Parks Chair Erin Rudensky, and/or Recreation Chair Omer Wiczyk,
Scarsdale Fiscal Affairs
The Committee prepared a comprehensive Report commenting on the prior Village budget before it was passed, and recommended how the Board should prioritize competing financial needs and wants and how to pay for them. For more information Contact
The Committee is actively recruiting volunteers to engage in Sunday afternoon invasive vine cutting. Watch for more information soon.
See the most recent Joint Report on saving our trees and the environment.
The Sustainability Committee supports initiatives for an environmentally sustainable and healthy environment and climate that provide quality of life for Village residents. Related to Committee Reports in 2018 and 2019, we supported the recent Village Code amendment covering "Pesticide Use on Village Property." The new local law bans chemical pesticides, fungicides, fertilizers, etc. on Village properties and allows only organic landscape practices. Recognizing the absolute inter-dependency between the health of our environment and our own health, the Committee continues to support a number of potential green initiatives including, but not limited to, those geared toward recycling, green energy, storm preparedness, and NY State's Climate Smart Community initiative. Another Report focuses on the promotion of mulch mowing, the elimination of street leaf pile vacuuming, and a total ban on the use of gas blowers. The Sustainability Committee also invites old and new members to join local efforts in vine cutting. Vines are an important cause of Scarsdale's diminishing tree canopy. Cynthia Roberts, of Friends of the Scarsdale Parks, will be helping to train and organize volunteers. Please contact Committee chair Darlene LeFrancois Haber, M.D., if you are interested in helping our community save its trees or participate in other Sustainability projects.
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Zoning and Planning
The Zoning and Planning Committee's focus is the long term growth and development of our Village to improve quality of life and sustainability by providing thoughtful analysis and recommendations for existing and proposed codes. Priority topics include: assessment of the recent Village moratorium, further research on the potential for establishing a Business Improvement District; elevation of structures in flood prone areas; requirements for new buildings to utilize heat pumps; installation of Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations downtown and at other locations; and Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs). The Committee has a supporting role working closely with other Forum committees including Municipal Services, Downtown Revitalization, and Sustainability. Contact Chair Jill Spielberg,
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Community Events, News & Resources | |
Scarsdale Action for Youth, SEFCS Program on Wednesday, March 13
7:00 pm at Scarsdale Library: Helping Kids Choose Their Future, Registration Free at
SCARSDALE FORUM invites you to join us as we tackle the subjects described in more detail in the Committee Update section. Members may consider joining any one, several or all of the Scarsdale Forum committees listed on the website. No prior experience with the subject matter is required. The Scarsdale Forum offers programs, activities, and events to support community quality of life, social engagement, and dialogue with village government.
VILLAGE BOARD MEETINGS and WORK SESSIONS: Village Board meetings are regularly open to the public at Village Hall or via Zoom webinar at, or call in using 1-929-436-2866 and entering the Meeting ID 931 8370 3358. The Zoom login uses the same ID. Sign up for updates here. Check the Village Board calendar here.
The SBNC will have its first meeting on January 21, 2024, and by the end of March it will nominate 2 candidates for the Scarsdale Board of Education. All Scarsdale residents are welcome to propose Board of Education candidates to the SBNC chair at The SBNC Board of Education candidates, along with any other candidates who may choose to run, will stand for public election Tuesday, May 21, 2024 at the same time as the school budget vote.
Board of Education meetings are regularly open to the public at the Scarsdale High School or via Zoom webinar. Information relating to BOE Meetings, Calendars, Documents, Policies, Events, Strategic Goals, Board Members, and more can be accessed here.
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Scarsdale Forum Inc. is the 501(c)(3) charitable organization dedicated to community education through discussion and analysis of issues relevant to Scarsdale residents. Since 1904, Scarsdale Forum has contributed meaningfully to village affairs through written reports, prominent speaker programs, social gatherings and other public events. Membership is available to all Scarsdale and Mamaroneck Strip residents, regardless of citizenship status. The Forum Focus newsletter is distributed to Scarsdale Forum members generally during the first week of each month. Pertinent information should be sent to one week prior to publication to be included in the coming issue.
2023-2024 Officers
Sarah Bell, President
Omer Wiczyk, First Vice President
Jeanne-Marie Castiello, Vice President
Matthew Martin, Treasurer
Christine Weston - Secretary
2023-2024 Committee Chairs
Communications - Madelaine Eppenstein & David Fenigstein
County Fiscal Affairs - Tim Foley
Downtown Revitalization - Susan Douglass
Education - Barry Meiselman & Art Rublin & Christine Weston
Hospitality & Special Events - BK Munguia & Kristen Zakierski
Membership - Jeanne-Marie Castiello
Municipal Services - Madelaine Eppenstein
Program and Speaker Series - Eli Mattioli & BK Munguia
Parks - Erin Rudensky
Policy - Jonathan Mark
Recreation - Omer Wiczyk
Sustainability - Darlene LeFrancois Haber
Zoning and Planning - Jill Spielberg
2024 Sylvia T. Dundon, Elaine Weir, Rob Mawson
2025 Purnima Srivastava, Peri Zelig, Han Zhou
2026 Alexandra Vargo, Seth Ross, Dan Kovel
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