January 2023

Message to Our Membership

Dear Members,

I hope you had an opportunity to celebrate this holiday season with family and friends. It's also important to take a deep breath, relax, and make some quiet time for yourself!


Perhaps one of your New Year's resolutions was to make new friends, get involved in community activities, and make our community a more inviting and special place. We offer all of that at the Scarsdale Forum, with our many pending projects and networking opportunities. Your input is greatly valued! Join a committee, sign up for a project -- large or small, and have fun while making a difference.


Happy and healthy 2023 to you and yours!


Susan Douglass, President

Notes from the Board of Directors

SAVE THE DATE: Professor Akhil Rush Amar, Yale University Sterling Professor of Law: SUNDAY SPEAKER, JANUARY 29, 2023 at the Scarsdale Library Scott Room 3:00 pm. Join us in person and on Zoom. Program co-sponsored by the Scarsdale Forum and the Yale Westchester Alumni Association.

Registration for all attendees and Zoom participants is required HERE. The public is welcome. The program topic is one that resonates today, from the book by Professor Amar: The Words That Made Us: America's Constitutional Conversation.

Join us for a stimulating conversation at this informal community gathering!

SAVE THE DATE: with guest speaker (to be announced) at the next

MEMBERSHIP MEETING on Thursday, February 9, 2023 in-person 7:30 pm Scarsdale Library, program begins at 8:00 pm in-person and on Zoom. All Scarsdale Forum members and members of the public are welcome. Registration required, to be posted in next newsletter.



The Committee will be working on the development of a strategic plan, with goals, objectives, and actions designed to ensure that the Forum continues to carry out its mission and purposes well into the future. Forum members interested in participating are welcome to join us, and should contact Committee Co-Chairs Barry Meiselman at and Ed Morgan at

Downtown Revitalization

The Downtown Revitalization and Municipal Services Committees issued a report on October 2, 2022 regarding placemaking and mobility issues in the Village Center, referencing the report of Village consultant FHI Studio and also presenting the committee's original ideas. Village Trustee Sameer Ahuja, liaison to the DR Committee, had requested a follow-up summary of "low-hanging fruit" and priorities for early action, consistent with a "tactical urbanism" approach of low-cost and incremental implementation. In preparing the summary, the joint committees drew on prior Scarsdale Forum reports and covered the following categories of proposed areas for improvement: safety, placemaking, events, beautification and conservation, parking and wayfinding, branding and marketing, and a business improvement district and funding. The DR Committee will continue to review and report on progress made on Village Center improvements. If you would like to participate please join us. Contact Chair Susan Douglass,


The Education Committee's latest innovative Report, New Strategies for Promoting Well-Being and Addressing Mental Health Issues within Scarsdale's Schools, was released to the public on December 5, 2022. The report is available here. Recommendations and areas for further study will be proposed and shared with district administrators and the Board of Education. See also the committee's seminal Report on modalities of collaborative communication among school stakeholders. Join the committee to participate. Contact Chair Barry Meiselman,


The Recreation Committee is evaluating current conditions and usage of our parks, fields, paths, green spaces and recreational facilities. Forum member and wider community input is welcome. Our goal is to provide timely feedback to the village so that it may budget accordingly. In addition, our committee is committed to partnering with the Scarsdale Fiscal Affairs and Municipal Services groups on the Pool Complex Project. We hope Forum members from all neighborhoods will join this dynamic and active group and provide feedback. If you would like to participate. Contact Chair Erin Rudensky,

Scarsdale Fiscal Affairs

Committee members attended two budget work sessions in December. A $30 million seasonal enhanced pool project was included in the Capital Plan presented a week after Board members informally “voted” to follow the pool working group’s recommendation to reject a year-round pool complex and move forward with the seasonal facility. Repaying a $30 million bond would increase the property tax levy by 3.84%. The committee wants to more fully understand the financial risks of the enhanced outdoor project and also the year-round project, specifically whether revenue from selling pool passes will cover operating expenses in any project for the next 30 years. The committee will ask the Board to share with the public the basis for assumptions about future membership, revenues and expenses associated with the year-round and seasonal options. The committee will consider whether the seasonal or year-round projects are the most prudent use of taxpayer dollars given the high cost and risks and other village capital needs. This is a great time to join the committee. Have a say in how the Board should prioritize competing financial needs and wants and how to pay for them. Contact Chair Anne Hintermeister,

Municipal Services

The Municipal Services, Recreation, and Scarsdale Fiscal Affairs committees will be joining forces to study and report on alternatives for the Village Pool Complex. Anyone interested in taking part in this joint committee project should contact Municipal Services Chair Madelaine Eppenstein or Scarsdale Fiscal Affairs Chair Anne Hintermeister or Recreation Chair Erin Rudensky. Updated information about the Village Pool Complex project is on the Village website here.

Municipal Services has begun a study of the traffic issues on the Post Road consistent with our committee's prior recommendations made in the most recent Municipal Services Report on village-wide traffic safety and implementation of complete streets and safe routes to schools policy and design. We look forward to your input.

The committee also plans on follow-up with the Sustainability group and the Conservation Advisory Council regarding the status of Scarsdale's participation in New York State's Climate Smart Communities program; prior Forum recommendations on further restriction of gas leaf blowers; fall leaf collection; and the degradation of the Village tree canopy despite recent code regulations meant to preserve it. Education of the public on the dangers of widespread pesticide use on private property is another issue of continuing committee focus in view of the recent Village code amendment's broad pesticide ban on public property. Contact Chair Madelaine Eppenstein,


The Committee supports initiatives for an environmentally sustainable and healthy environment that provides quality of life for village residents. Related to Committee Reports in 2018 and 2019, we supported the recent village code amendment covering "Pesticide Use on Village Property." The new local law bans chemical pesticides, fungicides, fertilizers, etc. on Village properties and allows only organic landscape practices.

Recognizing the absolute inter-dependency between the health of our environment and our own health, the Committee continues to support a number of potential green initiatives including, but not limited to those geared toward recycling, green energy, storm preparedness, and NY State's Climate Smart Community initiative. A recent report focuses on the promotion of mulch mowing, the elimination of street leaf pile vacuuming, and a total ban on the use of gas blowers. Contact Chair Darlene Le Francois Haber, M.D.,

Zoning and Planning

The Committee's focus continues to be on supporting the long term growth and development of our Village to improve quality of life and sustainability by providing thoughtful analysis and recommendations for existing and proposed codes. Topics currently being prioritized include: elevation of structures in flood prone areas; requirements for new buildings to utilize heat pumps; installation of Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations downtown and at other locations; and Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs). The Committee has a supporting role working closely with other Forum committees such as Municipal Services, Downtown Revitalization, and Sustainability. Anyone interested in joining the Zoning and Planning Committee or learning more contact Chair David Fenigstein,

County Fiscal Affairs

In mid-October, the County Executive released the proposed capital budget, which makes investments in environmental conservation, flood mitigation, the County Parks System, and affordable housing. In November the operating budget was released, with detail on the various programs and services the County provides and how they'll pay for it through sales tax, property tax, and other revenue. Those draft plans were handed over to the Board of Legislators who had to amend and pass them by early December. Our committee Report was distributed to the legislators within this tight time frame. For more information please reach out to Chair Tim Foley at

Community Events, News & Resources

School Board Nominating Committee Election:

Middle School Auditorium Lobby, THIS TUESDAY, January 10, 2023

Eligible Voters in person 7-10 am and 2-9 pm

Voting instructions here.

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SCARSDALE FORUM committee chairs and co-chairs invite you to join us as we tackle the subjects described in more detail in the Committee Update section. Members may consider joining any one, several or all Scarsdale Forum committees listed on the website. No prior experience with the subject matter is required, so Join here.

VILLAGE BOARD MEETINGS and WORK SESSIONS: Village Board meetings are regularly open to the public at Village Hall or via Zoom webinar at, or call in using 1-929-436-2866 and entering the Meeting ID 931 8370 3358. The Zoom login uses the same ID. Sign up for updates here. Check the Village Board calendar here.

Scarsdale Forum Inc.

Scarsdale Forum Inc. is the 501(c)(3) charitable organization dedicated to community education through discussion and analysis of issues relevant to Scarsdale residents. Since 1904, Scarsdale Forum has contributed meaningfully to village affairs through written reports, prominent speaker programs, social gatherings and other public events. Membership is available to all Scarsdale and Mamaroneck Strip residents, regardless of citizenship status.  The Forum Focus newsletter is distributed to Scarsdale Forum members generally during the first week of each month. Pertinent information should be sent to one week prior to publication to be included in the coming issue. Media Contact: