SUNDAY, APRIL 19, 2020
The Holy Eucharist will be livestreamed from the Cathedral Nave at 11 a.m. Sunday morning.
Download the leaflet in advance
Presider: The Rev. Canon Cristi Chapman
Preacher: The Rev. Canon Nancy Ross
That Easter day with joy was bright (193, stanzas 1, 2, 4);
We walk by faith and not by sight (209);
Alleluia! O sons and daughters (206)
Music Highlights: Willan,
Rise up, my love, my fair one
continues to be offered from the cathedral building, now closed to the public, at its traditional time, 9:30 p.m. on Sunday, with a choir of just a few singers
. As on every Sunday for decades, it will be broadcast live on KING-FM 98.1 and online at
. In addition, during the cathedral closure, video of the office will be livestreamed on the cathedral's website: Visit
Sunday night to watch live.
At the time of the Offertory this Sunday, a quartet of singers from the Cathedral Choir will offer
Rise up, my love, my fair one, a setting of a text from the Song of Songs by "the dean of Canadian composers" Healy Willan (1880–1968). You can see and hear the composer conducting this very composition towards the beginning of
this delightful short film about Willan made by the National Film Board of Canada in 1959. Some may find the footage of his parish choir a moving reminder of what we are missing now. Watch the film on the NFB's website
Book Discussion with Dean Thomason:
Sabbath as Resistance
TWO MONDAYS: APRIL 20 & 27, 7 P.M.
Join a Book Discussion with Dean Thomason on two Mondays, April 20 and 27, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. via Zoom videoconferencing. In his book,
Sabbath as Resistance: Saying NO to a Culture of Now, the great modern prophet and theologian Walter Brueggemann offers a delightfully provocative critique on the ways modern culture seduces us into anxiety, exclusivism, and multitasking as ways to subvert the life-giving ways we were created to enjoy. Drawing on ancient wisdom of keeping sabbath, but making it relevant to us in modernity, he offers an invitation to another way—a way needed in these difficult times as much as ever. To sign up and receive the link to join the conversation, simply send an email to or
The Radix Project Returns!
via Zoom (link to be announced)
In January of 2020 we launched
The Radix Project: Small Groups/Deep Roots.
More than 150 people in 18 small groups met weekly for six weeks to share their stories, reflect on scripture, and pray for one another with intention. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive, so we are going to do it again! New small groups are now forming. Groups meet once a week online for six weeks, beginning the last week of April and ending the first week of June.
New weekly meeting times have been added! To participate in a small group, please
complete the online form.
The Opening Plenary will begin with a brief presentation by Dean Steve via Zoom, giving a general introduction to the various narratives of the resurrected Christ which will be discussed in the small group meetings.
This presentation is open to anyone, whether or not they are participating in the small groups. Following this presentation, the groups will meet individually for the first time in Zoom break-out sessions. Contact Spiritual Formation Associate Kelly Moody,, with questions.
Mideast Focus Film Series is Moving Online
Links for streaming the film and for the Zoom discussion with the filmmakers afterward will be distributed soon—check back on the
Mideast Focus web page
or the
Facebook event page
for the links when they become available.
Saint Mark's Mideast Focus Ministry invites you to attend screenings of two film about Palestine/Israel—followed by Q&A with the filmmakers. Please mark your calendars and join us!
On Friday, April 24, see
Hurdle, a documentary about young men in Bethlehem who cope with Occupation through the dangerous art/sport of Parkour. The live online screening will begin at 7 p.m., and a Q&A with filmmaker Michael Rowley will follow the film.
On Friday, May 15, see
Voices Across the Divide, an award-winning film by Dr. Alice Rothchild, exploring the thinking of Jews who support the Occupation and settlements in the West Bank, and those who do not. A discussion with Dr. Rothchild will follow the screening.
Earth Day 2020 is April 22!
Creation Care and Earth Ministry would like you to note EarthDay 2020—
the fiftieth anniversary of the first Earth Day in 1970—is coming up next week on Wednesday, April 22. There will be no massive march as intended, but instead an online alternative: visit and join together for 24 hours of action, a global digital mobilization that drives actions big and small, gives diverse voices a platform and demands bold action for people and the planet. Over the 24 hours of Earth Day, the digital landscape will be filled with with global conversations, calls to action, performances, video teach-ins and more. While Earth Day may be going digital, our goal remains the same: to mobilize the world to take the most meaningful actions to make a difference. Note: The Earth Day Live Stream will be viewable on and will be the full user experience. In addition, it will be streamed over platforms like Facebook Live and YouTube.
Offerings will continue over the following 72 hours—dip in periodically!
A Two-Part Online Forum
with Scott Henson of Drawdown Seattle
TWO MONDAYS: MAY 4 & 11, 7–8:30 P.M.,
Via Zoom (link to be announced)
Led by his faith to be a steward of life on this planet, Scott Henson is the co-founder of
Drawdown Seattle, a collection of concerned and engaged Seattle citizens who are interested in enacting proven solutions which create the possibility of reversing the global climate crisis we face. Scott will lead two sessions focused on introducing “Project Drawdown” as well as facilitating the beginning of your personal action plans to help reverse global warming. Through videos and group activities, we will learn about a comprehensive plan to reverse global warming from Project Drawdown—a scientific study that identified
100 solutions that, together, could actually reverse global warming by 2050. These solutions encompass the energy we use, the food we eat, and the cities we live in. Let's shift the conversation, from "Game over" to "Game on!" By the end you will see the vital role you can play in the movement to reverse global warming.
All-Bach Concert on the Flentrop...
Online, with Canon Kleinschmidt
The next concert on the Saint Mark’s Music Series this season was to feature organist Alex Weimann playing an All-Bach performance on the Flentrop Organ. However, due to current travel restrictions, this performance has been
postponed one year to
Friday, May 14, 2021. Mark your calendars now!
In lieu of Alex’s concert, and because J.S. Bach is as essential now as ever,
Michael Kleinschmidt, Canon for Cathedral Music at Saint Mark’s, will instead offer a 70-minute online program featuring three of Bach’s famous Toccatas and Fugues, as well as his monumental Passacaglia in C Minor. In addition, Canon Kleinschmidt will offer brief commentary from the console about the Flentrop organ itself, and about the music. While this is offered freely for all to enjoy, donations in support of Saint Mark’s Music Series will be gratefully received.
New Podcast episode:
Bishop Rickel Discusses Pandemic, Quarantine, and Community
Cathedral Conversations is a podcast by, for, and about the community of Saint Mark's Cathedral. In the most recent episode, recorded March 9, 2020, Bishop Greg Rickel talks about how he got started in the Episcopal faith, his spiritual response to the COVID-19 epidemic, how the outbreak has affected our churches and communities, the challenges of being a bishop, and what it means to observe Easter in quarantine. This wide-ranging discussion is divided into two parts. Listen at or download and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts.
Check Out “Online Community Life” at Saint Mark’s Website
The Saint Mark’s website has a new
Online Community Life
page with ways for us all to stay connected. You’ll find activities to join, both prayerful – like Stations of the Cross and Morning and Evening Prayer – and playful – like Virtual Community Dinner. There are poignant reflections on these times to read and comment on, and more being added, so keep checking back – and keep connected!
Reach Out if You Need Assistance!
If you are homebound as a result of this viral outbreak and need others from Saint Mark’s to help you by picking up and delivering groceries or other supplies, there are parishioners who are willing to help.
Please reach out to cathedral in whatever way is most convenient for you. Email Dean Steve Thomason at or Erik Donner at, or call either one—or any of the clergy—at 206.323.0300.