Volume 2 - Issue 4 | October 15, 2022

Cathy Tenney, Editor

Printable Newsletter


Fall is in the air! Colored leaves, pumpkins, football games, hayrides, and bonfires.

The ADSOEF Fundraising Committee rolls out the year’s fundraising campaign in this issue.  We encourage chapters and individuals to OPEN Your Heart for the Future of Education.

Your contributions provide benefits to many!  Read about the newest A. Margaret Boyd Overseas Fellowship recipient and the experiences of a student teacher who received an Esther H. Strickland Grant.  With your support, the Educational Foundation makes a difference in the lives of educators and students.  

In your chapter meetings during the year, please remember we’d like to receive a picture when you complete a fundraising event to support ADSOEF.  Picture This… gives all the information.

Jack-o-lanterns, witches, goblins, trick or treat.  Oh, the joy through the eyes of a child, and as adults we typically enjoy this season too.   Happy Halloween!

ADSOEF Board of Directors

Our wonderful state organization will celebrate its 85th year this January. During those many years there have been changes.  However, our practice of financially supporting college students and our DKG members with grants, fellowships, and scholarships has never changed!  We’ve all read the recent headlines about teacher shortages, military personnel stepping in to cover classrooms, and the lack of students in the college of education. How can we all help?  The Fundraising Committee of ADSOEF has selected the theme, Open Your Heart for the Future of Education.  A goal of $8,500 starting right now through May 2023 has been set.  Below is a link to the contribution form, a link for your electronic donation or a QR code. Let’s continue this wonderful tradition of giving and Open Your Heart for the Future of Education.

Link to Contribution Form

Link for Electronic Donation

QR codes - Why All The Excitement????

What exactly are those square, pixelated, black and white barcodes that seem to pop up everywhere we look these days?

QR Quick Response” codes have actually been around since the mid 1990s. However, they quickly grew in popularity during the COVID pandemic due to the need for contactless information. We see them everywhere now, on menus, in print media, on websites, on posters, etc…

Anyone with a camera on a smartphone can use QR codes to access information. Simply open the camera and line up the QR code in the window so all 4 corners are in view. Your camera will automatically read the code and open a visible box on your phones screen which you can click on to open up the linked information.  

Katie Gantz, Gamma Phi

Image from https://www.cleanpng.com

Recognizing the Fundraising Committee Members

Chairman, Beth Archer, Alpha Psi

Diane Brogan-Adams, Delta Kappa

Jackie Thase-Burch, Alpha Upsilon

Debbie Van Arsdale, Mu

Barb Zirke, Alpha Psi



The Educational Services Committee is excited to share the final grant report from the latest Individual/Classroom/Community Project to be completed. Kristen Stimmel, Alpha Xi, and her colleagues applied for the funds to purchase STEM coding and building circuit kits for the Hocking Hills Children’s Museum. This exciting venture will be opening soon with these Snap Circuit kits at one station. Please read Kristen’s report.

Circuits for STEM Education

The Hocking Hills Children’s Museum is passionate about providing hands-on educational opportunities for the children in our community as well as the many visitors that visit our region.  As a group of early childhood educators in a rural community, our board saw a need to support the learning of our youth by engaging them in play as well as give parents the opportunity and resources to be part of their child’s learning.

By creating a Snap Circuit exhibit the museum hopes to bring science, technology, engineering, and math concepts to life through hands-on activities.  With STEM learning becoming more and more popular in school curriculums we also hope to support and enhance the learning of our nearby schools as well as become a destination for school visits.  We hope to continue to grow as a place of learning and fun for our community.  In the future we plan to create more STEM based learning exhibits to engage and support our community!

We Welcome Della Kartika Sari, From Indonesia

Della is an A. Margaret Boyd Fellowship recipient studying at the University of Cincinnati.


September 10, 2022


Dear Marilyn and ADSOEF Members,


I want to express my deepest gratitude for the support for my study and during my adaptation to Cincinnati's academic and cultural environment.


I remember when I was selected as one of the Fulbright Scholarship awardees, I was thrilled when thinking about experiencing the most sophisticated education system with complete facilities and an abundance of learning resources.  I felt enthusiastic when realizing that I might be able to learn and meet with world-class professors whose names I have quoted in my papers or whose books I have read and used in my class.  


Read Della's Entire Letter

A Message from Mya Violet

A 2022 Esther H. Strickland Grant Recipient

My student teaching experience occurred in 2nd grade at Beverly Gardens Elementary School. I was there for the entire year. I really got to know my students and engage with them frequently. The first semester I spent three days a week with my students. After Christmas break, I spent five days a week with them for the duration of the school year. 

Read Mya Violet's Entire Message

Picture This

This year when your chapter plans a fundraising project for ADSOEF (that’s the Alpha Delta State Ohio Educational Foundation), remember to snap a picture so we can share your successful idea in our ADSOEF newsletter. Option 2 - If your chapter decides to donate, take a photo of members with the chapter check or donation basket.

Please label your email:  Picture This ADSOEF

Identify members in the photo with a brief description 

and your chapter name.

Send the photo to Editor Cathy Tenney [email protected]

and Sandy Royer  [email protected]

Dr. Norma Kirby

In honor of Judy Rank


October 24, 2022 - Board of Directors' Meeting

November 15, 2022 - ADSOEF Newsletter

Debra (Debbie) Frazier, Beta Rho
Donor Relations Committee Chairman

Dr. Lois Harkins, Alpha Lambda

Millie Holzer, Beta Zeta
Finance Committee Chairman

Dr. Norma Kirby, Alpha Delta
Marketing Committee Chairman

Karyn Kern Lazear, Gamma Phi
Governance Committee Chairman
Nominating Committee Chairman

Sue Loader, Alpha Psi
Scholarship Committee

Sandy Royer, Delta Kappa


Chairman Board of Directors

Marilyn Slusser, Delta Kappa


Vice Chairman

OSO Scholarship Committee Chairman

Christine (Chris) Snoddy, Alpha Lambda



Educational Services Committee Chairman

Debby Canter, Delta Epsilon


Ex-officio Ohio State Organization Liaison

OSO President

ADSOEF Website
OSO Website
ADSOEF Facebook 
ADSOEF Directors
ADSOEF Gift Giving
ADSOEF Educational Opportunities
ADSOEF/OSO Applications