Volume 3 - Issue 8 | Febuary 15, 2024 | |
A few words from your Board of Directors…
- Mark your calendars for the ADSOEF Annual Meeting on Saturday, April 6, 2024, beginning at 9:30 a.m. at Saint John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Grove City, Ohio.
In this February publication of the Foundation Matters you will find: your official 2024 invitation; links for the annual meeting agenda and the 2023 Annual Board Meeting Minutes; plus, Birthday Luncheon information. These documents are also posted on our website, adsoef.org.
You can read about the individuals vying for the five Director positions for 2024-2025 and the 2024-2025 budget in the March edition of Foundation Matters. Be informed and ready to vote when you receive your ballot at the Annual Meeting.
At the April 6 luncheon, we are planning to continue our yearly tradition of giving. You can help Plant the Seeds for the Future as contribution envelopes will be available on the Birthday Luncheon tables. Our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to all chapters and individuals donating to provide much needed financial support to fund the future of excellence in education for Ohio!
Not able to attend? Send your gift with a fellow chapter member or check the Foundation website at adsoef.org for the 2023-2024 donation form.
- We are looking forward with, great anticipation, to seeing you on April 6 at 9:30 A.M.!
The ADSOEF Board of Directors
2024 ADSOEF Annual Meeting Agenda
2023 ADSOEF Annual Board Meeting Minutes
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It's a Birthday Celebration,
and You're Invited!
On Saturday, April 6, 2024, Ohio State Organization will celebrate 86 years of uniting key women educators of Ohio. This will also be a time to celebrate the many generous donors whose gifts helped to exceed the original goal set by the 2023-2024 ADSOEF Fundraising Committee of $8,600 in recognition of this special birthday of OSO. In addition, Marilyn Slusser will announce the 2024-2025 recipients of the Esther H. Strickland Student Teaching Grants with the opportunity for us to meet and greet a few.
Although our original goal has been met, the work of fundraising for grants, fellowships, classroom projects, and scholarships doesn’t end. With this thought in mind, there will be the opportunity to elevate the original fundraising goal to a higher level. Envelopes will be placed on the luncheon tables for you to choose the ADSOEF fund to which you wish to contribute. Your check or cash donation can be made in honor or memory of a special person in your life. The Birthday Luncheon will be held at the Saint John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in Grove City…all of you are invited to attend! Mark your calendars and save the date for this special event marking more than eight decades of commitment to the future of education.
The ADSOEF Fundraising Committee:
Joan Avery, Chi
Holly Buente, Gamma Pi
Nancy Russell, Beta Kappa
Linda Diltz, Beta Rho, Co-Chairman
Barb Zirke, Alpha Psi, Co-Chairman
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Candidates for ADSOEF Board of Directors
The Nominating Committee is happy to report that the following six members have submitted applications and are vying for the five open Director positions for 2024-2026: Hannah Fairbanks, Gamma Theta; Dr. Lois Harkins, Alpha Lambda; Candace Haudenschild, Alpha Psi; Susan Samoviski, Chi; Barbara J. Smith, Zeta; and Christine Snoddy, Alpha Lambda. Their biography profiles will be printed in the March Foundation Matters newsletter.
Debby Canter, Delta Epsilon
Tammy Schroder, Beta Eta
Barbara Smith, Zeta
Nancy Waters, Alpha Psi
Sue Loader, Alpha Psi, Chairman
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Generously Planting
Seeds for the Future!
OSO members across the state have been generously planting seeds for the future of education! As of January 31, 2024, ADSOEF has received 11,383.20 in donations to continue providing grants, fellowships, classroom support, and scholarships for the year ahead. Won’t it be amazing to watch that amount grow even more before our fundraising campaign ends on June 30, 2024?!?!
The ADSOEF Fundraising Committee:
Joan Avery, Chi
Holly Buente, Gamma Pi
Nancy Russell, Beta Kappa
Linda Diltz, Beta Rho, Co-chairman
Barb Zirke, Alpha Psi, Co-chairman
ADSOEF Contribution Form
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Linda Diltz
In memory of Bill Harkins
Beta Eta Chapter
In honor of Jane Sharp
Deborah Mihalik
In memory of Sharon Stannard, Past President of Alpha Sigma
Beta Chi
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Into the Future…ADSOEF Dates to Remember
February 18, 2024
7:00 PM
ADSOEF Board of Directors Meeting
March 6, 2024
6:30 PM
Fundraising Committee
March 19, 2024
7:00 PM
ADSOEF Board of Directors Meeting
April 2, 2024
6:30 PM
Fundraising Committee
April 6, 2024
9:30 - 10:30 AM
ADSOEF Annual Meeting
The Saint John Evangelical Lutheran Church
Grove City, Ohio
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Brenda Armstrong, OSO State Member
Linda Diltz, Beta Rho
Debra (Debbie) Frazier, Beta Rho
Dr. Lois Harkins, Alpha Lambda
Millie Holzer, Beta Zeta
Diana Kirkpatrick, Alpha Delta
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Sue Loader, Alpha Psi
Vice Chairman
Tammy Schroeder, Beta Eta
Barbara Smith, Zeta
Christine (Chris) Snoddy, Alpha Lambda
Melodie McGee, Gamma Nu
Ex-officio Ohio State Organization Liaison
OSO President
Dr. Norma K. Kirby, Alpha Delta
ADSOEF Registered Statutory Agent
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